.. WaveLoc Classes and other components ########### WaveLoc API ########### This page contains the documentation on each of the modules / classes / functions that make up the waveloc package. The modules are ordered by subject type. This is documentation is automatically generated from the doc-strings in the code itself. It is meant as an aide to developpers or advanced users who need access to the intrigacies of the code. It is not a tutorial (one will be coming soon). Waveloc Options --------------- Waveloc is piloted entirely through a set of options / parameters that are set in a WavelocOptions object. All options will (soon!) be explained on the tutorial pages. options ======= .. automodule:: options :members: Travel-times ------------ Waveloc needs travel-times to migrate the kurtosis waveforms. These can in principle be obtained in many different ways. For simple Earth models, a convenient way to obtain travel-time grids is to take advantage of the `NonLinLoc `_ implementation of the eikonal solver of Podvin & Lecomte (1991). NllGridLib ========== .. automodule:: NllGridLib :members: hdf5_grids ========== Waveloc manipulates many large arrays, some of which are written / read from disk. On some machines, these arrays are larger than the available RAM. In order to avoid the drammatic slow-downs when swapping to disc occurs in these cases, we use hdf (hierarchical data formats) that provide memory-like access to files on disc. All large arrays that are infrequently accessed (e.g. travel-time arrays) are written and used in this manner. When there is sufficient RAM available, large arrays that are frequently accessed (search-point travel-times, 4D-migration grids) are kept in memory. .. automodule:: hdf5_grids :members: Waveforms --------- The waveform manipulation routines in waveloc are heavily based on `obspy `_. As waveloc development started before obspy was fully functionnal, some external functions are used where obspy equivalents were not available. Updating all the waveform manipulation routines to use the latest obspy features will be completed at some time. OP_waveform =========== .. automodule:: OP_waveforms :members: filters ======= .. automodule:: filters :members: kurtogram ========= .. automodule:: kurtogram :members: SDS_processing ============== .. automodule:: make_SDS_data_links :members: .. automodule:: SDS_processing :members: Migration --------- migration ========= .. automodule:: migration :members: synth_migration =============== .. automodule:: synth_migration :members: integrate4D =========== .. automodule:: integrate4D :members: Location -------- locations_trigger ================= .. automodule:: locations_trigger :members: locations_prob ============== .. automodule:: locations_prob :members: magnitude ========= .. automodule:: magnitude :members: plot_locations2 ================== .. automodule:: plot_locations2 :members: plot_mpl ======== .. automodule:: plot_mpl :members: Clustering ---------- This part of the waveloc code was contributed by Nadège Langet during her PhD thesis. correlation =========== .. automodule:: correlation :members: clustering =========== .. automodule:: clustering :members: double_diff =========== .. automodule:: double_diff :members: CZ_color =========== .. automodule:: CZ_color :members: