Source code for synth_migration

import os
import logging
import h5py
import numpy as np

[docs]def generateSyntheticDirac(opdict, time_grids=None): """ Generates a synthetic test and does the migration. All options are given in the WavelocOptions.opdict. :param opdict: Waveloc options / parameters :param time_grids: """ # Creates the synthetic dataset for us to work with from NllGridLib import read_stations_file, read_hdr_file from migration import migrate_4D_stack, extract_max_values from hdf5_grids import get_interpolated_time_grids load_time_grids = False if time_grids is None: load_time_grids = True #define length and sampling frequency of synthetic data s_amplitude = opdict['syn_amplitude'] s_data_length = opdict['syn_datalength'] s_sample_freq = opdict['syn_samplefreq'] s_filename = opdict['syn_filename'] s_npts = int(s_data_length*s_sample_freq) s_delta = 1/s_sample_freq s_kwidth = opdict['syn_kwidth'] s_nkwidth = int(round(s_kwidth*s_sample_freq)) # define origin time s_t0 = opdict['syn_otime'] base_path = opdict['base_path'] test_grid_file = os.path.join(base_path, 'out', opdict['outdir'], 'grid', s_filename) test_stack_file = os.path.join(base_path, 'out', opdict['outdir'], 'stack', 'stack_all_'+s_filename) test_info_file = os.path.join(base_path, 'out', opdict['outdir'], 'grid', '' % s_filename) # get filenames for time-grids and search grids search_grid_filename = os.path.join(base_path, 'lib', opdict['search_grid']) stations_filename = os.path.join(base_path, 'lib', opdict['stations']) stations = read_stations_file(stations_filename) if 'sta_list' in opdict: sta_list = opdict['sta_list'].split(',') else: sta_list = stations.keys() # get parameters for noise etc syn_addnoise = opdict['syn_addnoise'] ################################# # start setting up synthetic data ################################# grid_info = read_hdr_file(search_grid_filename) if load_time_grids: time_grids = get_interpolated_time_grids(opdict) ################################# # create synthetic data ################################# # choose hypocenter nx = grid_info['nx'] ny = grid_info['ny'] nz = grid_info['nz'] dx = grid_info['dx'] dy = grid_info['dy'] dz = grid_info['dz'] x_orig = grid_info['x_orig'] y_orig = grid_info['y_orig'] z_orig = grid_info['z_orig'] ix = opdict['syn_ix'] iy = opdict['syn_iy'] iz = opdict['syn_iz'] it = int(round(s_t0/s_delta)) # retrieve travel times for chosen hypocenter # and station list ib = ix*ny*nz + iy*nz + iz n_buf = nx*ny*nz logging.debug('ib for true hypocenter = %d' % ib) ttimes = {} for sta in sta_list: if sta in time_grids: ttimes[sta] = time_grids[sta].grid_data[ib] else:'Missing travel-time information for station %s.\ Ignoring station...' % sta) logging.debug('Travel-times for true hypocenter = %s' % ttimes) # construct data with these travel times data = {} for key, delay in ttimes.iteritems(): if syn_addnoise: s_snr = opdict['syn_snr'] s = np.random.rand(s_npts)*s_amplitude/s_snr else: s = np.zeros(s_npts) atime = s_t0+delay i_atime = if i_atime+s_nkwidth > len(s): logging.error('syn_datalength is too small compared with\ geographical size of network ') s[i_atime:i_atime+s_nkwidth] = s_amplitude-np.arange(s_nkwidth) * \ (s_amplitude/float(s_nkwidth)) data[key] = s # DO MIGRATION'Doing migration to %s' % test_grid_file) f = h5py.File(test_grid_file, 'w') stack_grid = f.create_dataset('stack_grid', (n_buf, s_npts), 'f', chunks=(1, s_npts)) stack_shift_time = migrate_4D_stack(data, s_delta, time_grids, stack_grid) n_buf, nt = stack_grid.shape # add useful information to dataset for key, value in grid_info.iteritems(): stack_grid.attrs[key] = value stack_grid.attrs['dt'] = s_delta stack_grid.attrs['start_time'] = -stack_shift_time # extract max-stack'Extracting max_val etc. to %s' % test_stack_file) f_stack = h5py.File(test_stack_file, 'w') # extract maxima extract_max_values(stack_grid, grid_info, f_stack) for name in f_stack: dset = f_stack[name] logging.debug('After extract_max_values : %s %f %f' % (name, np.max(dset), np.sum(dset))) dset.attrs['start_time'] = -stack_shift_time dset.attrs['dt'] = s_delta # close the stack and grid files f_stack.close() f.close()'Saved 4D grid to file %s' % test_grid_file) shifted_it = it+int(round(stack_shift_time/s_delta)) # SETUP information to pass back test_info = {} test_info['dat_file'] = test_grid_file test_info['stack_file'] = test_stack_file test_info['grid_shape'] = nx, ny, nz, nt test_info['grid_spacing'] = dx, dy, dz, s_delta test_info['grid_orig'] = x_orig, y_orig, z_orig test_info['true_indexes'] = (ix, iy, iz, shifted_it) test_info['start_time'] = -stack_shift_time logging.debug(test_info) f = open(test_info_file, 'w') f.write(str(test_info)) return test_info