Source code for plot_mpl

import os
import h5py
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from copy import deepcopy

[docs]def plotLocationWaveforms(loc, start_time, dt, data_dict, grad_dict, stack_wfm, fig_dir): """ Creates plot for located waveforms. Assumes data and grad are ready for plotting. TODO : Flesh out this doc-string. :param loc: :param start_time: :param dt: :param data_dict: :param grad_dict: :param stack_wfm: :param fig_dir: """ otime = loc['o_time'] otime_left = -loc['o_err_left'] otime_right = loc['o_err_right'] plot_filename = os.path.join(fig_dir, 'loc_%s.pdf' % (otime.isoformat())) t = np.arange(len(stack_wfm))*dt - (otime - start_time) stations = data_dict.keys() stations.sort() n_traces = len(stations)+1 plt.clf() fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(n_traces, 2, 1, title='Data') ax.text(-0.25, 2.0, "(a)", transform=ax.transAxes) ax.set_axis_off() ax = fig.add_subplot(n_traces, 2, 2, title='Characteristic function') ax.text(-0.12, 2.0, "(b)", transform=ax.transAxes) ax.set_axis_off() i = 0 for sta in stations: # plot the data in the first column if i != len(stations)-1: ax = fig.add_subplot(n_traces, 2, 2*i+1) ax.set_axis_off() else: ax = fig.add_subplot(n_traces, 2, 2*i+1, xlabel='time (s)') ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('none') ax.yaxis.set_ticks([]) ax.spines['top'].set_color('none') ax.spines['left'].set_color('none') ax.spines['right'].set_color('none') ax.plot(t, data_dict[sta], 'b') ax.axvspan(otime_left, otime_right, facecolor='r', alpha=0.2) # add the station name pos = list(ax.get_position().bounds) fig.text(pos[0]-0.01, pos[1]+pos[3]/2., sta, fontsize=10, horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='center') # plot the kurtosis gradient in the second column if i != len(stations)-1: ax = fig.add_subplot(n_traces, 2, 2*i+2) ax.set_axis_off() else: ax = fig.add_subplot(n_traces, 2, 2*i+2, xlabel='time (s)') ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('none') ax.yaxis.set_ticks([]) ax.spines['top'].set_color('none') ax.spines['left'].set_color('none') ax.spines['right'].set_color('none') ax.plot(t, grad_dict[sta], 'b') ax.axvspan(otime_left, otime_right, facecolor='r', alpha=0.2) # add the maximum kurtosis value pos = list(ax.get_position().bounds) fig.text(pos[0]+pos[2]+0.05, pos[1], '%.1f' % np.max(grad_dict[sta]), fontsize=10, horizontalalignment='right') i = i+1 fig.suptitle(otime.isoformat(), x=0.5, y=0.05) plt.savefig(plot_filename) plt.clf()
[docs]def plotLocationGrid(loc, grid_info, fig_dir, otime_window): """ Plots location grid. TODO : Flesh out this doc-string. :param loc: :param grid_info: :param fig_dir: :param otime_window: """ # set up plot using info from grid_info nx, ny, nz, nt = grid_info['grid_shape'] dx, dy, dz, dt = grid_info['grid_spacing'] x_orig, y_orig, z_orig = grid_info['grid_orig'] stack_starttime = grid_info['start_time'] # Take much of the information from the grid_info plot_info = deepcopy(grid_info) plot_info['o_time'] = loc['o_time'] # get location info o_time = loc['o_time'] x_mean = loc['x_mean'] y_mean = loc['y_mean'] z_mean = loc['z_mean'] o_err_left = loc['o_err_left'] o_err_right = loc['o_err_right'] x_sigma = loc['x_sigma'] y_sigma = loc['y_sigma'] z_sigma = loc['z_sigma'] #get indexes correponding to location it_true = nt = plot_info['grid_shape'][3] if it_true > nt-1: msg = 'Origin time after last time for plot by %3f seconds. \n\ Increase plot_tafter.' % ((it_true - nt + 1)*dt) raise UserWarning(msg) if it_true < 0: msg = 'Origin time before first time for plot by %3f seconds. \n\ Increase plot_tbefore.' % (-1*it_true*dt) raise UserWarning(msg) # zero indexes are default for 2D grids ix_true = 0 iy_true = 0 iz_true = 0 if dx > 0: ix_true = if dy > 0: iy_true = if dz > 0: iz_true = plot_info['true_indexes'] = (ix_true, iy_true, iz_true, it_true) plot_info['true_values'] = (x_mean, y_mean, z_mean, o_time-stack_starttime) # get indexes corresponding to location uncertainties # times are wrt stack_starttime t_left = o_time - o_err_left - stack_starttime t_right = o_time + o_err_right - stack_starttime # coordinates are absolute x_low = x_mean - x_sigma y_low = y_mean - y_sigma z_low = z_mean - z_sigma x_high = x_mean + x_sigma y_high = y_mean + y_sigma z_high = z_mean + z_sigma plot_info['t_err'] = (t_left, t_right) plot_info['x_err'] = (x_low, x_high) plot_info['y_err'] = (y_low, y_high) plot_info['z_err'] = (z_low, z_high) plotDiracTest(plot_info, fig_dir, otime_window)
[docs]def plotDiracTest(test_info, fig_dir, otime_window): """ Creates plot for synthetic test. TODO : flesh out this doc-string :param test_info: :param fig_dir: :param otime_window: """ # set up plot using info from test_info nx, ny, nz, nt = test_info['grid_shape'] dx, dy, dz, dt = test_info['grid_spacing'] x_orig, y_orig, z_orig = test_info['grid_orig'] ix_true, iy_true, iz_true, it_true = test_info['true_indexes'] if 'true_values' in test_info: x_true, y_true, z_true, t_true = test_info['true_values'] stack_start_time = test_info['start_time'] grid_filename = test_info['dat_file'] stack_filename = test_info['stack_file'] if 'o_time' in test_info: fig_filename = os.path.join(fig_dir, "grid_%s.pdf" % test_info['o_time'].isoformat()) else: fig_filename = \ os.path.join(fig_dir, "%s.pdf" % os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(grid_filename))[0]) # read the stack file f = h5py.File(grid_filename, 'r') stack_grid = f['stack_grid'] stack_3D = stack_grid[:, it_true].reshape(nx, ny, nz) col = # cut through the true location at the true time xy_cut = stack_3D[:, :, iz_true] xz_cut = stack_3D[:, iy_true, :] yz_cut = stack_3D[ix_true, :, :] # extract the max stacks f_stack = h5py.File(stack_filename, 'r') # if have a smoothed version, use it for the plots if 'max_val_smooth' in f_stack: max_val = f_stack['max_val_smooth'] else: max_val = f_stack['max_val'] max_x = f_stack['max_x'] max_y = f_stack['max_y'] max_z = f_stack['max_z'] # set up the 4 axes x = np.arange(nx)*dx y = np.arange(ny)*dy z = (np.arange(nz)*dz+z_orig)*(-1) # setup of t-axis depends on type of stack_start_time if type(stack_start_time) == float: t = np.arange(nt)*dt+stack_start_time else: t = np.arange(nt)*dt # do plot plt.clf() fig = plt.figure() if 'true_values' in test_info and 'o_time' in test_info: fig.suptitle('%s x = %.2fkm y = %.2fkm z = %.2fkm' % (test_info['o_time'].isoformat(), x_true, y_true, z_true)) # plot xy plane if dx > 0 and dy > 0: p = plt.subplot(2, 2, 1) pos = list(p.get_position().bounds) fig.text(pos[0]-0.08, pos[1]+pos[3], '(a)', fontsize=12) plt.imshow(xy_cut.T, origin='lower', interpolation='none', extent=[np.min(x), np.max(x), np.min(y), np.max(y)], cmap=col) p.tick_params(labelsize=10) p.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') plt.xlabel('x (km wrt ref)', size=10) plt.ylabel('y (km wrt ref)', size=10) #plot xz plane if dx > 0 and dz > 0: p = plt.subplot(4, 2, 5) pos = list(p.get_position().bounds) fig.text(pos[0]-0.08, pos[1]+pos[3], '(d)', fontsize=12) plt.imshow(xz_cut.T, origin='upper', interpolation='none', extent=[np.min(x), np.max(x), np.min(z), np.max(z)], cmap=col) p.tick_params(labelsize=10) p.xaxis.set_ticks_position('top') p.xaxis.set_ticklabels('') plt.ylabel('z (km up)', size=10) # plot yz plane if dy > 0 and dz > 0: p = plt.subplot(4, 2, 7) pos = list(p.get_position().bounds) fig.text(pos[0]-0.08, pos[1]+pos[3], '(f)', fontsize=12) plt.imshow(yz_cut.T, origin='upper', interpolation='none', extent=[np.min(y), np.max(y), np.min(z), np.max(z)], cmap=col) p.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') p.tick_params(labelsize=10) plt.xlabel('y (km wrt ref)', size=10) plt.ylabel('z (km up)', size=10) # choose portion of time series to plot if 'true_values' in test_info: llim = max(t_true-otime_window, t[0]) rlim = min(t_true+otime_window, t[-1]) else: llim = max(t[it_true]-otime_window, t[0]) rlim = min(t[it_true]+otime_window, t[-1]) illim = int((llim-t[0])/dt) irlim = int((rlim-t[0])/dt) # plot max value p = plt.subplot(4, 2, 2, frameon=False) pos = list(p.get_position().bounds) fig.text(pos[0]-.05, pos[1]+pos[3], '(b)', fontsize=12) p.tick_params(labelsize=10) plt.plot(t, max_val, 'k') p.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') p.xaxis.set_ticklabels('') plt.ylabel('Stack max', size=10) p.yaxis.set_ticks_position('right') p.set_xlim(llim, rlim) p.set_ylim(np.min(max_val[illim:irlim]), max(max_val)) plt.vlines(t[it_true], np.min(max_val[illim:irlim]), max(max_val), 'r', linewidth=2) if 't_err' in test_info: t_left, t_right = test_info['t_err'] plt.axvspan(t_left, t_right, facecolor='r', alpha=0.2) # put the origin back in for the last plots x = np.arange(nx)*dx+x_orig y = np.arange(ny)*dy+y_orig z = np.arange(nz)*dz+z_orig # plot max x if dx > 0: p = plt.subplot(4, 2, 4, frameon=False) pos = list(p.get_position().bounds) fig.text(pos[0]-.05, pos[1]+pos[3], '(c)', fontsize=12) p.tick_params(labelsize=10) plt.scatter(t[illim:irlim], max_x[illim:irlim], s=40, c=max_val[illim:irlim], marker='.', linewidths=(0, ), clip_on=False, cmap=col) p.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') p.xaxis.set_ticklabels('') plt.ylabel('x (km)', size=10) p.yaxis.set_ticks_position('right') p.set_xlim(llim, rlim) if 'true_values' in test_info: if not 't_err' in test_info: plt.hlines(x_true, llim, rlim, 'r', linewidth=2) plt.vlines(t_true, min(max_x), max(max_x), 'r', linewidth=2) else: plt.hlines(x[ix_true], llim, rlim, 'r', linewidth=2) plt.vlines(t[it_true], min(max_x), max(max_x), 'r', linewidth=2) if 'x_err' in test_info: x_low, x_high = test_info['x_err'] plt.axhspan(x_low, x_high, facecolor='r', alpha=0.2) if 't_err' in test_info: t_left, t_right = test_info['t_err'] plt.axvspan(t_left, t_right, facecolor='r', alpha=0.2) # plot max y if dy > 0: p = plt.subplot(4, 2, 6, frameon=False) pos = list(p.get_position().bounds) fig.text(pos[0]-.05, pos[1]+pos[3], '(e)', fontsize=12) p.tick_params(labelsize=10) plt.scatter(t[illim:irlim], max_y[illim:irlim], s=40, c=max_val[illim:irlim], marker='.', linewidths=(0, ), clip_on=False, cmap=col) p.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') p.xaxis.set_ticklabels('') plt.ylabel('y (km)', size=10) p.yaxis.set_ticks_position('right') p.set_xlim(llim, rlim) if 'true_values' in test_info: if not 't_err' in test_info: plt.hlines(y_true, llim, rlim, 'r', linewidth=2) plt.vlines(t_true, min(max_y), max(max_y), 'r', linewidth=2) else: plt.hlines(y[iy_true], llim, rlim, 'r', linewidth=2) plt.vlines(t[it_true], min(max_y), max(max_y), 'r', linewidth=2) if 'y_err' in test_info: y_low, y_high = test_info['y_err'] plt.axhspan(y_low, y_high, facecolor='r', alpha=0.2) if 't_err' in test_info: t_left, t_right = test_info['t_err'] plt.axvspan(t_left, t_right, facecolor='r', alpha=0.2) # plot max z if dz > 0: p = plt.subplot(4, 2, 8, frameon=False) pos = list(p.get_position().bounds) fig.text(pos[0]-.05, pos[1]+pos[3], '(g)', fontsize=12) p.tick_params(labelsize=10) plt.scatter(t[illim:irlim], max_z[illim:irlim], s=40, c=max_val[illim:irlim], marker='.', linewidths=(0, ), clip_on=False, cmap=col) plt.xlabel('Time (s)', size=10) p.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') plt.ylabel('z (km down)', size=10) p.yaxis.set_ticks_position('right') p.set_xlim(llim, rlim) if 'true_values' in test_info: if not 't_err' in test_info: plt.hlines(z_true, llim, rlim, 'r', linewidth=2) plt.vlines(t_true, min(max_z), max(max_z), 'r', linewidth=2) else: plt.hlines(z[iz_true], llim, rlim, 'r', linewidth=2) plt.vlines(t[it_true], min(max_z), max(max_z), 'r', linewidth=2) if 'z_err' in test_info: z_low, z_high = test_info['z_err'] plt.axhspan(z_low, z_high, facecolor='r', alpha=0.2) if 't_err' in test_info: t_left, t_right = test_info['t_err'] plt.axvspan(t_left, t_right, facecolor='r', alpha=0.2) # add independent colorbar ax1 = fig.add_axes([0.40, 0.03, 0.2, 0.015]) ax1.tick_params(labelsize=8) ax1.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') cmap = norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=np.min(max_val), vmax=np.max(max_val)) mpl.colorbar.ColorbarBase(ax1, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, orientation='horizontal', ticks=[0, int(np.max(max_val)/2), int(np.max(max_val))]) pos = list(ax1.get_position().bounds) fig.text(pos[0]+pos[2]/2., pos[1]+pos[3]+0.01, 'Stack max', fontsize=8, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='bottom') plt.savefig(fig_filename) f.close() f_stack.close()
def gaussian(x, mu, sigma): return (1./(sigma*np.sqrt(2.*np.pi))) * \ np.exp(-1*(x-mu)*(x-mu)/(2*sigma*sigma))
[docs]def plotProbLoc(marginals, prob_loc, loc, fig_dir, space_only): """ Creates plot for probabilistic location TODO : flesh out this doc-string :param marginals: :param prob_loc: :param loc: :param fig_dir: :param space_only: """ # get basic parameters x = marginals['x'][:] y = marginals['y'][:] z = marginals['z'][:]*(-1) z.sort() prob_x = marginals['prob_x'][:] prob_y = marginals['prob_y'][:] prob_z = marginals['prob_z'][:] prob_z_rev = prob_z[::-1] # reverse array for plot (z is up in plot) prob_xy = marginals['prob_xy'][:, :] prob_xz = marginals['prob_xz'][:, :] prob_yz = marginals['prob_yz'][:, :] x_low = loc['x_mean'] - loc['x_sigma'] y_low = loc['y_mean'] - loc['y_sigma'] z_low = -loc['z_mean'] - loc['z_sigma'] x_high = loc['x_mean'] + loc['x_sigma'] y_high = loc['y_mean'] + loc['y_sigma'] z_high = -loc['z_mean'] + loc['z_sigma'] # set filename o_time = prob_loc['o_time'] fig_filename = os.path.join(fig_dir, "probloc_%s.pdf" % o_time.isoformat()) plt.figure(1, figsize=(18, 6)) # XY plot left, width = 0.05, 0.2 left_h = left + width bottom, height = 0.1, 0.6 bottom_h = bottom + height # XY plot rect_2D = [left, bottom, width, height] rect_top = [left, bottom_h, width, 0.2] rect_rig = [left_h, bottom, 0.075, height] ax_2D = plt.axes(rect_2D) ax_2D.tick_params(labelsize=10) ax_top = plt.axes(rect_top, sharex=ax_2D) ax_top.tick_params(labelsize=10) ax_top.xaxis.set_ticks_position('top') ax_top.yaxis.set_ticks(()) ax_rig = plt.axes(rect_rig, sharey=ax_2D) ax_rig.tick_params(labelsize=10) ax_rig.yaxis.set_ticks_position('right') ax_rig.xaxis.set_ticks(()) ax_2D.imshow(prob_xy.T, origin='lower', interpolation='none', extent=[np.min(x), np.max(x), np.min(y), np.max(y)]) ax_top.plot(x, prob_x, 'b') ax_top.axvspan(x_low, x_high, facecolor='r', alpha=0.2) ax_rig.plot(prob_y, y, 'b') ax_rig.axhspan(y_low, y_high, facecolor='r', alpha=0.2) #XZ plot left, width = left_h+0.05+0.075, 0.2 left_h = left + width rect_2D = [left, bottom, width, height] rect_top = [left, bottom_h, width, 0.2] rect_rig = [left_h, bottom, 0.075, height] ax_2D_2 = plt.axes(rect_2D) ax_2D_2.tick_params(labelsize=10) ax_top_2 = plt.axes(rect_top, sharex=ax_2D_2) ax_top_2.tick_params(labelsize=10) ax_top_2.xaxis.set_ticks_position('top') ax_top_2.yaxis.set_ticks(()) ax_rig_2 = plt.axes(rect_rig, sharey=ax_2D_2) ax_rig_2.tick_params(labelsize=10) ax_rig_2.yaxis.set_ticks_position('right') ax_rig_2.xaxis.set_ticks(()) ax_2D_2.imshow(prob_xz.T, origin='upper', interpolation='none', extent=[np.min(x), np.max(x), np.min(z), np.max(z)]) ax_top_2.plot(x, prob_x, 'b') ax_top_2.axvspan(x_low, x_high, facecolor='r', alpha=0.2) ax_rig_2.plot(prob_z_rev, z, 'b') ax_rig_2.axhspan(z_low, z_high, facecolor='r', alpha=0.2) #XZ plot left, width = left_h+0.05+0.075, 0.2 left_h = left + width rect_2D = [left, bottom, width, height] rect_top = [left, bottom_h, width, 0.2] rect_rig = [left_h, bottom, 0.075, height] ax_2D_3 = plt.axes(rect_2D) ax_2D_3.tick_params(labelsize=10) ax_top_3 = plt.axes(rect_top, sharex=ax_2D_3) ax_top_3.tick_params(labelsize=10) ax_top_3.xaxis.set_ticks_position('top') ax_top_3.yaxis.set_ticks(()) ax_rig_3 = plt.axes(rect_rig, sharey=ax_2D_3) ax_rig_3.tick_params(labelsize=10) ax_rig_3.yaxis.set_ticks_position('right') ax_rig_3.xaxis.set_ticks(()) ax_2D_3.imshow(prob_yz.T, origin='upper', interpolation='none', extent=[np.min(y), np.max(y), np.min(z), np.max(z)]) ax_top_3.plot(y, prob_y, 'b') ax_top_3.axvspan(y_low, y_high, facecolor='r', alpha=0.2) ax_rig_3.plot(prob_z_rev, z, 'b') ax_rig_3.axhspan(z_low, z_high, facecolor='r', alpha=0.2) plt.savefig(fig_filename) plt.clf()