Source code for options

import os
import glob
import logging

[docs]class WavelocOptions(object): """ The WavelocOptions class contains a single attribute **opdict** containing all the options and parameters to control the behaviour of waveloc. It also contains many methods to verify the consistency of the options before launching the various steps of the waveloc procedure. """ def __init__(self): self.opdict = {} # set some default values # general profiling / debugging behaviour self.opdict['time'] = False self.opdict['verbose'] = False self.opdict['use_ram'] = False # data processing self.opdict['resample'] = False self.opdict['krec'] = False self.opdict['kderiv'] = False self.opdict['gauss'] = False # migration self.opdict['load_ttimes_buf'] = True self.opdict['reloc'] = False self.opdict['reloc_snr'] = 12. # location self.opdict['auto_loclevel'] = False self.opdict['loclevel'] = 50. self.opdict['snr_loclevel'] = 10. self.opdict['snr_limit'] = 10. self.opdict['snr_tr_limit'] = 10. self.opdict['sn_time'] = 10. self.opdict['n_kurt_min'] = 4 # prob density location self.opdict['probloc_spaceonly'] = True # synthetic self.opdict['syn_addnoise'] = False self.opdict['syn_amplitude'] = 1. self.opdict['syn_kwidth'] = 0.1 # cross-correlation self.opdict['xcorr_threshold'] = 0.7 self.opdict['xcorr_before'] = 0.5 self.opdict['xcorr_after'] = 6.0 # clustering self.opdict['nbsta'] = 3 self.opdict['clus'] = 0.8 # double-difference self.opdict['dd_loc'] = False # kurtogram self.opdict['new_kurtfile'] = False
[docs] def set_test_options(self): """ Sets up a standard version of opdict. Used notably in the example cases. """ self.opdict['time'] = True self.opdict['verbose'] = True self.opdict['test_datadir'] = 'test_data' self.opdict['datadir'] = 'TEST' self.opdict['outdir'] = 'TEST' self.opdict['net_list'] = 'YA' self.opdict['sta_list'] = "FJS,FLR,FOR,HDL,RVL,SNE,UV01,UV02,UV03,\ UV04,UV05,UV06,UV07,UV08,UV09,UV10,UV11,UV12,UV13,UV14,UV15" self.opdict['comp_list'] = "HHZ" self.opdict['starttime'] = "2010-10-14T00:14:00.0Z" self.opdict['endtime'] = "2010-10-14T00:18:00.0Z" self.opdict['time_grid'] = 'Slow_len.100m.P' self.opdict['search_grid'] = '' self.opdict['stations'] = 'coord_stations_test' self.opdict['resample'] = False self.opdict['fs'] = None self.opdict['c1'] = 4.0 self.opdict['c2'] = 10.0 self.opdict['kwin'] = 4 self.opdict['krec'] = False self.opdict['kderiv'] = True self.opdict['gauss'] = False self.opdict['gthreshold'] = 0.1 self.opdict['mu'] = 0 self.opdict['sigma'] = 0.1 self.opdict['data_length'] = 600 self.opdict['data_overlap'] = 20 self.opdict['dataglob'] = '*filt.mseed' self.opdict['kurtglob'] = '*kurt.mseed' self.opdict['gradglob'] = '*grad.mseed' self.opdict['gaussglob'] = '*gauss.mseed' self.opdict['load_ttimes_buf'] = True self.opdict['reloc'] = False self.opdict['reloc_snr'] = 12. self.opdict['auto_loclevel'] = False self.opdict['loclevel'] = 50.0 self.opdict['snr_limit'] = 10.0 self.opdict['snr_tr_limit'] = 10.0 self.opdict['sn_time'] = 10.0 self.opdict['n_kurt_min'] = 4 self.opdict['syn_addnoise'] = False self.opdict['new_kurtfile'] = False self.opdict['xcorr_threshold'] = 0.7 self.opdict['xcorr_before'] = 0.5 self.opdict['xcorr_after'] = 6.0 self.opdict['xcorr_corr'] = 'corr' self.opdict['xcorr_delay'] = 'delay' self.opdict['clus'] = 0.8 self.opdict['nbsta'] = 3 self.opdict['dd_loc'] = True
[docs] def verify_base_path(self): """ Verifies that the base_path is set. If the 'base_path' option is not directly set in the opdict, its value is read from the environment variable $WAVELOC_PATH. """ # if the option base_path is not set, then check the environment # variable # if the environment variable is not set, quit with error message if not 'base_path' in self.opdict:'No base_path set in options, getting base_path from \ $WAVELOC_PATH') base_path = os.getenv('WAVELOC_PATH') if not os.path.isdir(base_path): raise UserWarning('Environment variable WAVELOC_PATH not set \ correctly.') self.opdict['base_path'] = base_path base_path = self.opdict['base_path'] lib_path = os.path.join(base_path, 'lib') if not os.path.isdir(lib_path): raise UserWarning('Directory %s does not exist.' % lib_path)
def _verify_lib_path(self): self.verify_base_path() base_path = self.opdict['base_path'] lib_path = os.path.join(base_path, 'lib') if not os.path.isdir(lib_path): raise UserWarning('Directory %s does not exist.' % lib_path) def _verify_datadir(self): self.verify_base_path() base_path = self.opdict['base_path'] if not 'datadir' in self.opdict: raise UserWarning('datadir option not set') datadir = os.path.join(base_path, 'data', self.opdict['datadir']) if not os.path.isdir(datadir): raise UserWarning('Directory %s does not exist.' % datadir) def _verify_outdir(self): self.verify_base_path() base_path = self.opdict['base_path'] if not 'outdir' in self.opdict: raise UserWarning('outdir option not set') outdir = os.path.join(base_path, 'out', self.opdict['outdir']) if not os.path.isdir(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(outdir, 'fig')): os.makedirs(os.path.join(outdir, 'fig')) if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(outdir, 'grid')): os.makedirs(os.path.join(outdir, 'grid')) if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(outdir, 'loc')): os.makedirs(os.path.join(outdir, 'loc')) if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(outdir, 'stack')): os.makedirs(os.path.join(outdir, 'stack')) if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(outdir, 'time_grids')): os.makedirs(os.path.join(outdir, 'time_grids')) if self.opdict['reloc'] and not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(outdir, 'reloc')): os.makedirs(os.path.join(outdir, 'reloc')) def _verify_net_list(self): if not 'net_list' in self.opdict: raise UserWarning('net_list option not set') def _verify_sta_list(self): if not 'sta_list'in self.opdict: raise UserWarning('sta_list option not set') def _verify_comp_list(self): if not 'comp_list' in self.opdict: raise UserWarning('comp_list option not set') def _verify_channel_file(self): if not 'channel_file' in self.opdict: raise UserWarning('channel_file option not set') self._verify_lib_path() base_path = self.opdict['base_path'] filename = os.path.join(base_path, 'lib', self.opdict['channel_file']) if not os.path.isfile(filename): raise UserWarning('Cannot find %s' % filename) def _verify_starttime(self): if not 'starttime' in self.opdict: raise UserWarning('starttime option not set') def _verify_endtime(self): if not 'endtime' in self.opdict: raise UserWarning('endtime option not set') def _verify_resample(self): if not 'resample' in self.opdict: raise UserWarning('resample option not set') def _verify_fs(self): self._verify_resample() resample = self.opdict['resample'] if resample: if not 'fs' in self.opdict: raise UserWarning('fs option not set') def _verify_c1(self): if not 'c1' in self.opdict: raise UserWarning('c1 option not set') def _verify_c2(self): if not 'c2' in self.opdict: raise UserWarning('c2 option not set') def _verify_kwin(self): if not 'kwin' in self.opdict: raise UserWarning('kwin option not set') def _verify_gthreshold(self): if not 'gthreshold' in self.opdict: raise UserWarning('gthreshold option not set') def _verify_mu(self): if not 'mu' in self.opdict: raise UserWarning('mu option not set') def _verify_sigma(self): if not 'sigma' in self.opdict: raise UserWarning('sigma option not set') def _verify_dataless(self): if not 'dataless' in self.opdict: raise UserWarning('dataless option not set') self._verify_lib_path() base_path = self.opdict['base_path'] lib_path = os.path.join(base_path, 'lib') dataless_names = glob.glob(os.path.join(lib_path, self.opdict['dataless'])) if len(dataless_names) == 0: raise UserWarning('No dataless files found: %s' % dataless_names) def _verify_dataglob(self): if not 'dataglob' in self.opdict: raise UserWarning('dataglob option not set') self._verify_datadir() base_path = self.opdict['base_path'] datadir = os.path.join(base_path, 'data', self.opdict['datadir']) data_names = glob.glob(os.path.join(datadir, self.opdict['dataglob'])) if len(data_names) == 0: raise UserWarning('No data files found : %s' % data_names) def _verify_kurtglob(self): if not 'kurtglob' in self.opdict: raise UserWarning('kurtglob option not set') self._verify_datadir() base_path = self.opdict['base_path'] datadir = os.path.join(base_path, 'data', self.opdict['datadir']) kurt_names = glob.glob(os.path.join(datadir, self.opdict['kurtglob'])) if len(kurt_names) == 0: raise UserWarning('No kurtosis files found : %s' % kurt_names) def _verify_gradglob(self): if not 'gradglob' in self.opdict: raise UserWarning('gradglob option not set') self._verify_datadir() base_path = self.opdict['base_path'] datadir = os.path.join(base_path, 'data', self.opdict['datadir']) grad_names = glob.glob(os.path.join(datadir, self.opdict['gradglob'])) if len(grad_names) == 0: raise UserWarning('No kurtosis gradient files found : %s' % grad_names) def _verify_gaussglob(self): if not 'gaussglob' in self.opdict: raise UserWarning('gaussglob option not set') self._verify_datadir() base_path = self.opdict['base_path'] datadir = os.path.join(base_path, 'data', self.opdict['datadir']) gauss_names = glob.glob(os.path.join(datadir, self.opdict['gaussglob'])) if len(gauss_names) == 0: raise UserWarning('No gaussian files found : %s' % gauss_names) def _verify_time_grid(self): if not 'time_grid' in self.opdict: raise UserWarning('time_grid option not set') self._verify_lib_path() base_path = self.opdict['base_path'] time_grid = os.path.join(base_path, 'lib', self.opdict['time_grid']) tg_glob = time_grid+'*' tg_files = glob.glob(tg_glob) if len(tg_files) == 0: raise UserWarning('No time grid files found %s' % tg_glob) def _verify_data_length(self): if not 'data_length' in self.opdict: raise UserWarning('data_length option not set') def _verify_data_overlap(self): if not 'data_overlap' in self.opdict: raise UserWarning('data_overlap option not set') def _verify_snr_limit(self): if not 'snr_limit' in self.opdict: raise UserWarning('snr_limit option not set') def _verify_snr_tr_limit(self): if not 'snr_tr_limit' in self.opdict: raise UserWarning('snr_tr_limit option not set') def _verify_sn_time(self): if not 'sn_time' in self.opdict: raise UserWarning('sn_time option not set') def _verify_n_kurt_min(self): if not 'n_kurt_min' in self.opdict: raise UserWarning('n_kurt_min option not set') def _verify_stations(self): if not 'stations' in self.opdict: raise UserWarning('stations option not set') self._verify_lib_path() base_path = self.opdict['base_path'] stations = os.path.join(base_path, 'lib', self.opdict['stations']) if not os.path.isfile(stations): raise UserWarning('Cannot find %s' % stations) def _verify_search_grid(self): if not 'search_grid' in self.opdict: raise UserWarning('search_grid option not set') self._verify_lib_path() base_path = self.opdict['base_path'] search_grid = os.path.join(base_path, 'lib', self.opdict['search_grid']) if not os.path.isfile(search_grid): raise UserWarning('Cannot find %s' % search_grid) def _verify_reloc(self): if not 'reloc' in self.opdict: raise UserWarning('reloc option not set') def _verify_reloc_snr(self): if not 'reloc_snr' in self.opdict: raise UserWarning('reloc_snr option not set') def _verify_auto_loclevel(self): if not 'auto_loclevel' in self.opdict: raise UserWarning('auto_loclevel option not set') def _verify_snr_loclevel(self): self._verify_auto_loclevel() auto_loclevel = self.opdict['auto_loclevel'] if auto_loclevel: if not 'snr_loclevel' in self.opdict: raise UserWarning('snr_loclevel option not set') def _verify_loclevel(self): self._verify_auto_loclevel() auto_loclevel = self.opdict['auto_loclevel'] if not auto_loclevel: if not 'loclevel' in self.opdict: raise UserWarning('loclevel option not set') def _verify_probloc_spaceonly(self): if not 'probloc_spaceonly' in self.opdict: raise UserWarning('probloc_spaceonly option not set') def _verify_xcorr_threshold(self): if not 'xcorr_threshold' in self.opdict: raise UserWarning('xcorr_threshold option not set') def _verify_newkurtfile(self): if not 'new_kurtfile' in self.opdict: raise UserWarning('new_kurtfile option not set') def _verify_xcorr_before(self): if not 'xcorr_before' in self.opdict: raise UserWarning('xcorr_before option not set') def _verify_xcorr_after(self): if not 'xcorr_after' in self.opdict: raise UserWarning('xcorr_after option not set') def _verify_xcorr_corr(self): if not 'xcorr_corr' in self.opdict: raise UserWarning('xcorr_corr option not set') def _verify_xcorr_delay(self): if not 'xcorr_delay' in self.opdict: raise UserWarning('xcorr_delay option not set') def _verify_nbsta(self): if not 'nbsta' in self.opdict: raise UserWarning('nbsta option not set') def _verify_clus(self): if not 'clus' in self.opdict: raise UserWarning('clus option not set') def _verify_dd_loc(self): if not 'dd_loc' in self.opdict: raise UserWarning('dd_loc option not set') def _verify_syn_addnoise(self): if not 'syn_addnoise' in self.opdict: raise UserWarning('syn_addnoise option not set') def _verify_syn_snr(self): self._verify_syn_addnoise() syn_addnoise = self.opdict['syn_addnoise'] if syn_addnoise: if not 'syn_snr' in self.opdict: raise UserWarning('syn_snr option not set') def _verify_syn_amplitude(self): if not 'syn_amplitude' in self.opdict: raise UserWarning('syn_amplitude option not set') def _verify_syn_datalength(self): if not 'syn_datalength' in self.opdict: raise UserWarning('syn_datalength option not set') def _verify_syn_samplefreq(self): if not 'syn_samplefreq' in self.opdict: raise UserWarning('syn_samplefreq option not set') def _verify_syn_kwidth(self): if not 'syn_kwidth' in self.opdict: raise UserWarning('syn_kwidth option not set') def _verify_syn_otime(self): if not 'syn_otime' in self.opdict: raise UserWarning('syn_otime option not set') def _verify_syn_ix(self): if not 'syn_ix' in self.opdict: raise UserWarning('syn_ix option not set') def _verify_syn_iy(self): if not 'syn_iy' in self.opdict: raise UserWarning('syn_iy option not set') def _verify_syn_iz(self): if not 'syn_iz' in self.opdict: raise UserWarning('syn_iz option not set') def _verify_syn_filename(self): if not 'syn_filename' in self.opdict: raise UserWarning('syn_filename option not set') def _verify_plot_tbefore(self): if not 'plot_tbefore' in self.opdict: raise UserWarning('plot_tbefore option not set') def _verify_plot_tafter(self): if not 'plot_tafter' in self.opdict: raise UserWarning('plot_tafter option not set') def _verify_plot_otime_window(self): if not 'plot_otime_window' in self.opdict: raise UserWarning('plot_otime_window option not set') def _verify_channel_net_sta_comp(self): # if have channel_file option, check that if 'channel_file' in self.opdict: self._verify_channel_file() # else check net sta comp lists are set else: self._verify_net_list() self._verify_sta_list() self._verify_comp_list()
[docs] def verify_SDS_processing_options(self): """ Verify presence of all options necessary for SDS_processing. """ self.verify_base_path() self._verify_datadir() self._verify_channel_net_sta_comp() self._verify_starttime() self._verify_endtime() self._verify_fs() self._verify_c1() self._verify_c2() self._verify_kwin() if self.opdict['gauss']: self._verify_gthreshold() self._verify_mu() self._verify_sigma()
[docs] def verify_migration_options(self): """ Verify presence of all options necessary for migration. """ self.verify_base_path() self._verify_lib_path() self._verify_datadir() self._verify_outdir() self._verify_channel_net_sta_comp() self._verify_kurtglob() if self.opdict['kderiv']: self._verify_gradglob() if self.opdict['gauss']: self._verify_gaussglob() self._verify_starttime() self._verify_endtime() self._verify_data_length() self._verify_data_overlap() self._verify_stations() self._verify_search_grid() self._verify_time_grid() self._verify_reloc() if self.opdict['reloc']: self._verify_reloc_snr()
[docs] def verify_location_options(self): """ Verify presence of all options necessary for location. """ self.verify_base_path() self._verify_lib_path() self._verify_datadir() self._verify_outdir() self._verify_kurtglob() self._verify_loclevel() self._verify_snr_loclevel() self._verify_snr_limit() self._verify_snr_tr_limit() self._verify_sn_time() self._verify_n_kurt_min() self._verify_probloc_spaceonly() self._verify_search_grid() self._verify_time_grid() self._verify_reloc()
[docs] def verify_kurtogram_options(self): """ Verify presence of all options necessary for kurtogram. """ self.verify_base_path() self._verify_datadir() self._verify_outdir() self._verify_dataglob() self._verify_kurtglob() base_path = self.opdict['base_path'] locdir = os.path.join(base_path, 'out', self.opdict['outdir'], 'loc') locfile = os.path.join(locdir, 'locations.dat') if not os.path.isfile(locfile): raise UserWarning('Cannot find %s' % locfile) self._verify_newkurtfile()
[docs] def verify_magnitude_options(self): """ Verify presence of all options necessary for magnitude. """ self.verify_base_path() self._verify_lib_path() self._verify_datadir() self._verify_outdir() self._verify_channel_net_sta_comp() self._verify_dataless() base_path = self.opdict['base_path'] locdir = os.path.join(base_path, 'out', self.opdict['outdir'], 'loc') locfile = os.path.join(locdir, 'locations.dat') if not os.path.isfile(locfile): raise UserWarning('Cannot find %s' % locfile)
[docs] def verify_correlation_options(self): """ Verify presence of all options necessary for correlation. """ self.verify_base_path() self._verify_lib_path() self._verify_datadir() self._verify_outdir() self._verify_dataglob() self._verify_xcorr_threshold() self._verify_xcorr_before() self._verify_xcorr_after() self._verify_xcorr_corr() self._verify_xcorr_delay() base_path = self.opdict['base_path'] locdir = os.path.join(base_path, 'out', self.opdict['outdir'], 'loc') locfile = os.path.join(locdir, 'locations.dat') if not os.path.isfile(locfile): raise UserWarning('Cannot find %s' % locfile)
[docs] def verify_cluster_options(self): """ Verify presence of all options necessary for clustering. """ self.verify_base_path() self._verify_lib_path() self._verify_datadir() self._verify_outdir() base_path = self.opdict['base_path'] locdir = os.path.join(base_path, 'out', self.opdict['outdir'], 'loc') self._verify_dataglob() self._verify_stations() self._verify_xcorr_corr() self._verify_xcorr_delay() coeff_file = os.path.join(locdir, self.opdict['xcorr_corr']) if not os.path.isfile(coeff_file): raise UserWarning('Cannot find %s' % coeff_file) delay_file = os.path.join(locdir, self.opdict['xcorr_delay']) if not os.path.isfile(delay_file): raise UserWarning('Cannot find %s' % delay_file) self._verify_nbsta() self._verify_clus()
[docs] def verify_doublediff_options(self): """ Verify presence of all options necessary for double difference location. """ self.verify_base_path() self._verify_lib_path() self._verify_outdir() base_path = self.opdict['base_path'] self._verify_time_grid() self._verify_search_grid() locdir = os.path.join(base_path, 'out', self.opdict['outdir'], 'loc') self._verify_stations() self._verify_xcorr_corr() self._verify_xcorr_delay() coeff_file = os.path.join(locdir, self.opdict['xcorr_corr']) if not os.path.isfile(coeff_file): raise UserWarning('Cannot find %s' % coeff_file) delay_file = os.path.join(locdir, self.opdict['xcorr_delay']) if not os.path.isfile(delay_file): raise UserWarning('Cannot find %s' % delay_file) self._verify_nbsta() self._verify_clus() self._verify_dd_loc()
[docs] def verify_synthetic_options(self): """ Verify presence of all options necessary for synthetic migration runs. """ self.verify_base_path() self._verify_lib_path() self._verify_outdir() self._verify_time_grid() self._verify_stations() self._verify_syn_addnoise() self._verify_syn_snr() self._verify_syn_amplitude() self._verify_syn_datalength() self._verify_syn_samplefreq() self._verify_syn_kwidth() self._verify_syn_otime() self._verify_syn_ix() self._verify_syn_iy() self._verify_syn_iz() self._verify_syn_filename()
[docs] def verify_plotting_options(self): """ Verify presence of all options necessary for plotting waveloc results. """ self.verify_base_path() self._verify_lib_path() self._verify_datadir() self._verify_outdir() base_path = self.opdict['base_path'] locdir = os.path.join(base_path, 'out', self.opdict['outdir'], 'loc') locfile = os.path.join(locdir, 'locations.dat') if not os.path.isfile(locfile): raise UserWarning('Locations file %s does not exist.' % locfile) self._verify_dataglob() self._verify_kurtglob() self._verify_gradglob() self._verify_plot_tbefore() self._verify_plot_tafter() self._verify_plot_otime_window() self._verify_search_grid() self._verify_time_grid() self._verify_stations()
[docs] def verify_probloc_plotting_options(self): """ Verify presence of all options necessary for plotting waveloc using the probability density location method. """ self.verify_base_path() self._verify_lib_path() self._verify_datadir() self._verify_outdir() base_path = self.opdict['base_path'] locdir = os.path.join(base_path, 'out', self.opdict['outdir'], 'loc') locfile = os.path.join(locdir, 'locations.dat') if not os.path.isfile(locfile): raise UserWarning('Locations file %s does not exist.' % locfile) locfile = os.path.join(locdir, 'locations_prob.dat') if not os.path.isfile(locfile): raise UserWarning('Locations file %s does not exist.' % locfile) locfile = os.path.join(locdir, 'locations_prob.hdf5') if not os.path.isfile(locfile): raise UserWarning('Locations file %s does not exist.' % locfile)