Source code for magnitude

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8

import os
import logging
import glob
import numpy as np
from obspy.xseed import Parser
from obspy.signal import estimateMagnitude
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from OP_waveforms import Waveform
from locations_trigger import read_locs_from_file, read_header_from_file, \
from NllGridLib import read_stations_file

[docs]def read_paz(files): """ Read dataless and extract poles and zeros from dataless SEED files. Based on obspy. :param files: Files to read. """ paz = {} for file in files: p = Parser(file) blk = p.blockettes for j in range(len(blk[50])): mult = len(blk[58])/len(blk[52]) sta = blk[50][j].station_call_letters paz[sta] = {} for i in range(j*3, len(blk[52])): channel = blk[52][i].channel_identifier paz[sta][channel] = {} paz[sta][channel]['poles'] = np.array(blk[53][i].real_pole)+1j\ * np.array(blk[53][i].imaginary_pole) paz[sta][channel]['zeros'] = np.array(blk[53][i].real_zero)+1j\ * np.array(blk[53][i].imaginary_zero) paz[sta][channel]['gain'] = blk[53][i].A0_normalization_factor paz[sta][channel]['sensitivity'] = \ blk[58][(i+1)*mult-1].sensitivity_gain return paz
[docs]def fill_values(vals, tdeb, data_glob, data_dir, comp): """ Create a dictionnary with all values for each channel of each station. TODO : Flesh out this doc-string. :param vals: :param tdeb: :param data_glob: :param data_dir: :param comp: """ data_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(data_dir, data_glob)) if len(data_files) == 0: data_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, comp) data_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(data_dir, data_glob)) data_files.sort() for datafile in data_files: wf = Waveform() wf.read_from_file(datafile) vals[wf.station][comp] = wf.values tdeb[wf.station][comp] = wf.starttime dt = return vals, tdeb, dt
[docs]def bvalue(mag, r): """ Compute the b-value by a simple linear fitting """ N = [] for i in r: N.append(len(np.where(mag >= i)[0])) i1 = np.min(np.where(np.log10(N) <= np.max(np.log10(N))-0.01)[0]) i2 = np.argmin(np.log10(N)) p = np.polyfit(r[i1:i2], np.log10(N)[i1:i2], deg=1) return p, np.log10(N), i1, i2
[docs]def do_comp_mag(opdict): """ Do the magnitude computation, using options in WavelocOptions.opdict. :param opdict: Dictionary containing waveloc options and parameters. """ base_path = opdict['base_path'] # dataless dataless_glob = glob.glob(os.path.join(base_path, 'lib', opdict['dataless'])) dataless_glob.sort() # data data_dir = os.path.join(base_path, 'data', opdict['datadir']) data_glob = opdict['dataglob'] # location file locdir = os.path.join(base_path, 'out', opdict['outdir'], 'loc') locfile = os.path.join(locdir, 'locations.dat') locs = read_locs_from_file(locfile) opdict = read_header_from_file(locfile, opdict) snr_wf = np.float(opdict['snr_tr_limit']) # Stations stations_filename = os.path.join(base_path, 'lib', opdict['stations']) stations = read_stations_file(stations_filename) paz = read_paz(dataless_glob) vals, tdeb = {}, {} for sta in sorted(stations): vals[sta] = {} tdeb[sta] = {} cha_list = opdict['comp_list'] for cha in cha_list: vals, tdeb, dt = fill_values(vals, tdeb, data_glob, data_dir, cha) new_file = open(locfile, 'w') write_header_options(new_file, opdict) mags = [] for loc in locs: stack_time = loc['o_time'] loc_x = loc['x_mean'] loc_y = loc['y_mean'] loc_z = -loc['z_mean'] ml = [] for sta in sorted(stations): if vals[sta]: paz_list, p2p_amp, tspan = [], [], [] h_dist = np.sqrt((loc_x-stations[sta]['x'])**2 + (loc_y-stations[sta]['y'])**2 + (loc_z-stations[sta]['elev'])**2) for cha in cha_list: istart = int(round(stack_time-0.5-tdeb[sta][cha])*1./dt) iend = int(round(stack_time+5.5-tdeb[sta][cha])*1./dt) x = vals[sta][cha][istart:iend+1] if x.any() and np.max(x)/np.mean(np.abs(x)) > snr_wf: max_amp = np.max(x) i_max_amp = np.argmax(x) min_amp = np.abs(np.min(x)) i_min_amp = np.argmin(x) paz_list.append(paz[sta][cha]) tspan.append(np.abs(i_max_amp-i_min_amp)*dt) p2p_amp.append(max_amp+min_amp) if opdict['verbose']: fig = plt.figure() fig.set_facecolor('white') plt.plot(x) plt.plot(i_min_amp, x[i_min_amp], 'ro') plt.plot(i_max_amp, x[i_max_amp], 'ro') plt.title('%s,%s' % (sta, cha)) if paz_list: mag = estimateMagnitude(paz_list, p2p_amp, tspan, h_dist) ml.append(mag) new_file.write("Max = %.2f, %s - %.2f s + %.2f s, x= %.4f pm %.4f km,\ y= %.4f pm %.4f km, z= %.4f pm %.4f km, ml= %.2f pm \ %.2f\n" % (loc['max_trig'], loc['o_time'].isoformat(), loc['o_err_left'], loc['o_err_right'], loc['x_mean'], loc['x_sigma'], loc['y_mean'], loc['y_sigma'], loc['z_mean'], loc['z_sigma'], np.mean(ml), np.std(ml))) if ml: mags.append(np.mean(ml)) new_file.close() r = np.arange(-3, 3, 0.1) p, logN, i1, i2 = bvalue(mags, r) print "b-value:", -p[0] if opdict['verbose']: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5)) fig.set_facecolor('white') ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121) ax1.hist(mags, 25) ax1.set_xlabel('Magnitude') ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122, title='Gutenberg Richter law') ax2.plot(r, logN) ax2.plot(r[i1:i2], np.polyval(p, r[i1:i2]), 'r') ax2.set_xlabel('Magnitude') ax2.set_ylabel('log N')