Source code for locations_trigger

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8

import os
import glob
import h5py
from obspy.core import utcdatetime, read
from obspy.signal import trigger
from OP_waveforms import Waveform
from filters import smooth
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import logging
from hdf5_grids import get_interpolated_time_grids

[docs]def plot_location_triggers(trace, trig_start, trig_end, trig_95_start, trig_95_end, show=True): """ Plot the location (in time) of the triggers. TODO : Flesh out this doc-string :param trace: :param trig_start: :param trig_end: :param trig_95_start: :param trig_95_end: :param show: """ df = trace.stats.sampling_rate npts = trace.stats.npts t = np.arange(npts) / df fig = plt.figure() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) ax1.plot(t[trig_start-100:trig_end+100],[trig_start-100:trig_end+100], 'k') i, j = ax1.get_ylim() try: ax1.vlines(trig_start / df, i, j, color='r', lw=1, label="Trigger On") ax1.vlines(trig_end / df, i, j, color='b', lw=1, label="Trigger Off") ax1.vlines(trig_95_start / df, i, j, color='r', lw=2) ax1.vlines(trig_95_end / df, i, j, color='b', lw=2) except IndexError: pass fig.suptitle( fig.canvas.draw() if show:
[docs]def number_good_kurtosis_for_location(kurt_files, data_files, loc, time_dict, snr_limit=10.0, snr_tr_limit=10.0, sn_time=10.0): """ Analyses the filtered data and the kurtosis time-series to determine the number of stations whose traces have sufficiently high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) to be useful for the location. Both time-series need to satisfy the conditions for a station to be counted as contributing to the location. :param kurt_files: Filenames for kurtosis files. Depending on the filenames given in this list, the function will analyse kurtosis, kurtosis-gradient or gaussian waveforms. :param data_files: Filenames for filtered data. :param loc: Location dictionary for the event to be analysed :param time_dict: Dictionary of travel-times for the location to be analysed :param snr_limit: SNR limit for kurtosis-type data :param snr_limit_tr: SNR limit for filtered data :param snr_time: Length of time in seconds before the event for computation of SNR. :rtype: integer :returns: Numer of stations that have contributed to the location. """ o_time = loc['o_time'] stack_x = loc['x_mean'] stack_y = loc['y_mean'] stack_z = loc['z_mean'] n_good_kurt = 0 wf = Waveform() for ifile in xrange(len(kurt_files)): kfilename = kurt_files[ifile] dfilename = data_files[ifile] st = read(kfilename, headonly=True) staname = st.traces[0].stats.station if staname in time_dict.keys(): traveltime = time_dict[staname].value_at_point(stack_x, stack_y, stack_z) start_time = o_time+traveltime-sn_time end_time = o_time+traveltime+sn_time try: wf.read_from_file(kfilename, starttime=start_time, endtime=end_time) snr = wf.get_snr(o_time+traveltime, start_time, end_time) wf.read_from_file(dfilename, starttime=start_time, endtime=end_time) snr_tr = wf.get_snr(o_time+traveltime, start_time, end_time) if snr > snr_limit and snr_tr > snr_tr_limit: n_good_kurt = n_good_kurt + 1 except UserWarning:'No data around %s for file %s.' % (o_time.isoformat(), kfilename)) return n_good_kurt
[docs]def trigger_locations_inner(max_val, max_x, max_y, max_z, left_trig, right_trig, start_time, delta): """ Inner loop of the location process. :param max_val: Time-series of stack-max. :param max_x: Time-series of the x-positions corresponding to stack-max. :param max_y: Time-series of the y-positions corresponding to stack-max. :param max_z: Time-series of the z-positions corresponding to stack-max. :param left_trig: Amplitude for trigger-on. :param right_trig: Amplitude for trigger-off. :param start_time: UTCDateTime of the first point in the time-series. :param delta: Sampling interval of the time-series :returns: List of locations. Each location is a dictionary containing all the relevant information. """ locs = [] trigs = trigger.triggerOnset(np.array(max_val), left_trig, right_trig) logging.debug('Found %d triggers.' % len(trigs)) for trig in trigs: i_start = trig[0] i_end = trig[1]+1 i_max_trig = np.argmax(max_val[i_start:i_end])+i_start max_trig = max_val[i_max_trig] max_trig_95 = 0.95*max_trig logging.debug('Max_trig = %.3f, max_trig_95 = %.3f' % (max_trig, max_trig_95)) trigs_95 = trigger.triggerOnset(max_val[i_start:i_end], max_trig_95, max_trig_95) for trig_95 in trigs_95: if i_max_trig >= trig_95[0]+i_start and \ i_max_trig <= trig_95[1]+i_start: loc_dict = {} loc_dict['max_trig'] = max_trig i_start_95 = trig_95[0]+i_start i_end_95 = trig_95[1]+1+i_start loc_dict['x_mean'] = np.mean(max_x[i_start_95:i_end_95]) loc_dict['x_sigma'] = np.std(max_x[i_start_95:i_end_95]) loc_dict['y_mean'] = np.mean(max_y[i_start_95:i_end_95]) loc_dict['y_sigma'] = np.std(max_y[i_start_95:i_end_95]) loc_dict['z_mean'] = np.mean(max_z[i_start_95:i_end_95]) loc_dict['z_sigma'] = np.std(max_z[i_start_95:i_end_95]) loc_dict['o_time'] = start_time + i_max_trig*delta loc_dict['o_err_left'] = (i_max_trig-i_start_95)*delta loc_dict['o_err_right'] = (i_end_95-i_max_trig)*delta locs.append(loc_dict) return locs
[docs]def do_locations_trigger_setup_and_run(opdict): """ Run locations trigger. Takes all options and paramters from WavelocOptions.opdict dictionary. :param opdict: Dictionary of waveloc options / parameters. """ base_path = opdict['base_path'] # parse command line data_dir = os.path.join(base_path, 'data', opdict['datadir']) kurt_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(data_dir, opdict['kurtglob'])) data_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(data_dir, opdict['dataglob'])) kurt_files.sort() data_files.sort() time_grids = get_interpolated_time_grids(opdict)"Starting log for combine_stacks.") out_path = os.path.join(base_path, 'out', opdict['outdir']) stack_path = os.path.join(out_path, 'stack') reloc = opdict['reloc'] if reloc: loc_path = os.path.join(out_path, 'reloc') stack_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(stack_path, 'reloc_stack_all*.hdf5')) stack_files.sort() else: loc_path = os.path.join(out_path, 'loc') stack_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(stack_path, 'stack_all*.hdf5')) stack_files.sort() n_stacks = len(stack_files) if n_stacks == 0: raise UserWarning('Empty list of stacks in %s' % (stack_path)) loc_filename = os.path.join(loc_path, "locations.dat")"Path for stack files : %s" % stack_path)"Path for loc files : %s" % loc_path)"Location file : %s" % loc_filename) # DO DATA PREP ACCORDING TO RELOC OR NOT"\nDealing with continuous location, so merging stack files\ directly ...\n") # get basic info from first file f_stack = h5py.File(stack_files[0], 'r') max_val = f_stack['max_val'] dt = max_val.attrs['dt'] f_stack.close() # get start times (get first and last times) start_times = [] end_times = [] for fname in stack_files: f_stack = h5py.File(fname, 'r') max_val = f_stack['max_val'] start_times.append(utcdatetime.UTCDateTime( max_val.attrs['start_time'])) end_times.append(utcdatetime.UTCDateTime( max_val.attrs['start_time'])+dt*len(max_val)) f_stack.close() first_start_time = min(start_times) last_end_time = max(end_times) nt_full = int((last_end_time-first_start_time)/dt)+1 # create - assume all stacks are of the same length and will be # concatenated end to end (this will give more than enough space) f = h5py.File(os.path.join(stack_path, 'combined_stack_all.hdf5'), 'w') cmax_val = f.create_dataset('max_val', (nt_full,), 'f', chunks=(nt_full,)) cmax_x = f.create_dataset('max_x', (nt_full,), 'f', chunks=(nt_full,)) cmax_y = f.create_dataset('max_y', (nt_full,), 'f', chunks=(nt_full,)) cmax_z = f.create_dataset('max_z', (nt_full,), 'f', chunks=(nt_full,)) # concatenate unsmoothed versions of max_val to avoid # problems at file starts and ends for i in range(n_stacks): f_stack = h5py.File(stack_files[i], 'r') max_val = f_stack['max_val'] max_x = f_stack['max_x'] max_y = f_stack['max_y'] max_z = f_stack['max_z'] # get time info for this stack nt = len(max_val) start_time = utcdatetime.UTCDateTime(max_val.attrs['start_time']) ibegin = # copy data over into the right place cmax_val[ibegin:ibegin+nt] = max_val[:] cmax_x[ibegin:ibegin+nt] = max_x[:] cmax_y[ibegin:ibegin+nt] = max_y[:] cmax_z[ibegin:ibegin+nt] = max_z[:] # close the stack f_stack.close() # create the smoothed version of the max stack cmax_val_smooth = f.create_dataset('max_val_smooth', (nt_full,), 'f', chunks=(nt_full,)) cmax_val_smooth[:] = smooth(np.array(cmax_val), 51) for name in f: dset = f[name] dset.attrs['dt'] = dt dset.attrs['start_time'] = first_start_time.isoformat() # DO TRIGGERING AND LOCATION if opdict['auto_loclevel']: loclevel = opdict['snr_loclevel']*np.median(cmax_val_smooth) opdict['loclevel'] = loclevel else: loclevel = opdict['loclevel'] left_trig = loclevel right_trig = loclevel loc_list = trigger_locations_inner(cmax_val_smooth[:], cmax_x, cmax_y, cmax_z, left_trig, right_trig, first_start_time, dt)'Found %d initial.' % (len(loc_list))) # close the stack file f.close() loc_file = open(loc_filename, 'w') write_header_options(loc_file, opdict) snr_limit = opdict['snr_limit'] snr_tr_limit = opdict['snr_tr_limit'] sn_time = opdict['sn_time'] n_kurt_min = opdict['n_kurt_min'] n_ok = 0 locs = [] for loc in loc_list: if number_good_kurtosis_for_location(kurt_files, data_files, loc, time_grids, snr_limit, snr_tr_limit, sn_time) > \ n_kurt_min:"Max = %.2f, %s - %.2fs + %.2f s, x=%.4f pm %.4f km,\ y=%.4f pm %.4f km, z=%.4f pm %.4f km" % (loc['max_trig'], loc['o_time'].isoformat(), loc['o_err_left'], loc['o_err_right'], loc['x_mean'], loc['x_sigma'], loc['y_mean'], loc['y_sigma'], loc['z_mean'], loc['z_sigma'])) loc_file.write(u"Max = %.2f, %s - %.2f s + %.2f s, x= %.4f pm %.4f\ km, y= %.4f pm %.4f km, z= %.4f pm %.4f km\n" % (loc['max_trig'], loc['o_time'].isoformat(), loc['o_err_left'], loc['o_err_right'], loc['x_mean'], loc['x_sigma'], loc['y_mean'], loc['y_sigma'], loc['z_mean'], loc['z_sigma'])) n_ok = n_ok+1 locs.append(loc) else:"Not enough kurtosis picks for : Max = %.2f,\ %s - %.2fs + %.2fs, x=%.4f pm %.4f, y=%.4f pm %.4f,\ z=%.4f pm %.4f" % (loc['max_trig'], loc['o_time'].isoformat(), loc['o_err_left'], loc['o_err_right'], loc['x_mean'], loc['x_sigma'], loc['y_mean'], loc['y_sigma'], loc['z_mean'], loc['z_sigma'])) loc_file.close()'Wrote %d locations to file %s.' % (n_ok, loc_filename)) return locs
[docs]def read_locs_from_file(filename): """ Read locations from file. :param filename: File to read. :returns: List of locations (each location is a dictionary) """ from obspy.core import utcdatetime locs = [] f = open(filename, 'r') lines = f.readlines() f.close() for line in lines: if not line.isspace() and line.split()[0][0] != '#': loc = {} loc['max_trig'] = np.float(line.split()[2].split(',')[0]) loc['o_time'] = utcdatetime.UTCDateTime(line.split()[3]) loc['o_err_left'] = np.float(line.split()[5]) loc['o_err_right'] = np.float(line.split()[8]) loc['x_mean'] = np.float(line.split()[11]) loc['x_sigma'] = np.float(line.split()[13]) loc['y_mean'] = np.float(line.split()[16]) loc['y_sigma'] = np.float(line.split()[18]) loc['z_mean'] = np.float(line.split()[21]) loc['z_sigma'] = np.float(line.split()[23]) if len(line.split()) > 25: loc['ml'] = np.float(line.split()[26]) loc['ml_sigma'] = np.float(line.split()[28]) locs.append(loc) return locs
[docs]def write_header_options(loc_file, opdict): """ Write the information regarding how the locations were generated to an already opened location file. This information becomes a location "header". :param loc_file: File object to which the information will be written. :param opdict: Waveloc options dictionary """ # Header of locations.dat loc_file.write(u'#FILTER : %.1f - %.1f Hz\n' % (opdict['c1'], opdict['c2'])) loc_file.write(u'#KURTOSIS = window: %.2f s, recurs: %s, grad: %s, \ gauss: %s\n' % (opdict['kwin'], opdict['krec'], opdict['kderiv'], opdict['gauss'])) loc_file.write(u'#OPTIONS = reloc: %s\n' % opdict['reloc']) loc_file.write(u'#LOCATION = level: %d, window of analysis: %.2f s, \ kurtosis snr: %.2f, waveform snr: %.2f, number of \ stations: %d\n\n' % (opdict['loclevel'], opdict['sn_time'], opdict['snr_limit'], opdict['snr_tr_limit'], opdict['n_kurt_min']))
[docs]def read_header_from_file(filename, opdict): """ Read header information from a location file into a WavelocOptions.opdict. :param filename: File to read. :param opdict: Waveloc options dictionary to write into. :returns: opdict """ f = open(filename, 'r') lines = f.readlines() f.close() opdict['c1'] = np.float(lines[0].split()[2]) opdict['c2'] = np.float(lines[0].split()[4]) opdict['kwin'] = np.float(lines[1].split()[3]) opdict['krec'] = lines[1].split()[6][:-1] opdict['kderiv'] = lines[1].split()[8][:-1] opdict['gauss'] = lines[1].split()[10] opdict['reloc'] = lines[2].split()[3] opdict['loclevel'] =[3].split()[3][:-1]) opdict['snr_tr_limit'] = np.float(lines[3].split()[14][:-1]) return opdict