Source code for locations_prob

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8

import os
import h5py
import glob
import logging
import numpy as np

from locations_trigger import read_locs_from_file, \
from NllGridLib import read_hdr_file
from hdf5_grids import get_interpolated_time_grids
from migration import do_migration_loop_continuous
from OP_waveforms import read_data_compatible_with_time_dict
from integrate4D import compute_expected_coordinates4D, \

[docs]def read_prob_locs_from_file(filename): """ Read file containing probability determined locations. :param filename: File to be read. :returns: Dictionary of locations """ from obspy.core import utcdatetime locs = [] f = open(filename, 'r') lines = f.readlines() f.close() for line in lines: loc = {} loc['o_time'] = utcdatetime.UTCDateTime(line.split()[5]) loc['o_err'] = np.float(line.split()[8]) loc['x_mean'] = np.float(line.split()[11]) loc['x_sigma'] = np.float(line.split()[13]) loc['y_mean'] = np.float(line.split()[16]) loc['y_sigma'] = np.float(line.split()[18]) loc['z_mean'] = np.float(line.split()[21]) loc['z_sigma'] = np.float(line.split()[23]) locs.append(loc) return locs
[docs]def do_locations_prob_setup_and_run(opdict): """ Setup and run probability-based locations on migration grids. Takes all parameters from WavelocOptions.opdict. :param opdict: Parameters and options for Waveloc. """ # get / set info base_path = opdict['base_path'] space_only = opdict['probloc_spaceonly'] locfile = os.path.join(base_path, 'out', opdict['outdir'], 'loc', 'locations.dat') locfile_prob = os.path.join(base_path, 'out', opdict['outdir'], 'loc', 'locations_prob.dat') locfile_hdf5 = os.path.join(base_path, 'out', opdict['outdir'], 'loc', 'locations_prob.hdf5') f_prob = open(locfile_prob, 'w') # if locfile does not exist then make it by running trigger location if not os.path.exists(locfile):'No location found at %s. Running trigger location \ first...' % locfile) do_locations_trigger_setup_and_run(opdict) # data files data_dir = os.path.join(base_path, 'data', opdict['datadir']) data_glob = opdict['dataglob'] kurt_glob = opdict['kurtglob'] grad_glob = opdict['gradglob'] data_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(data_dir, data_glob)) kurt_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(data_dir, kurt_glob)) grad_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(data_dir, grad_glob)) data_files.sort() kurt_files.sort() grad_files.sort() # grids search_grid_filename = os.path.join(base_path, 'lib', opdict['search_grid']) # read time grid information time_grids = get_interpolated_time_grids(opdict) # read locations locs = read_locs_from_file(locfile) # prepare file for output of marginals f_marginals = h5py.File(locfile_hdf5, 'w') # iterate over locations for loc in locs: # create the appropriate grid on the fly # generate the grids o_time = loc['o_time'] if space_only: start_time = o_time end_time = o_time else: start_time = o_time-3*loc['o_err_left'] end_time = o_time+3*loc['o_err_right'] # make a buffer for migration start_time_migration = start_time - 10.0 end_time_migration = end_time + 10.0 # re-read grid info to ensure clean copy grid_info = read_hdr_file(search_grid_filename) # read data grad_dict, delta = \ read_data_compatible_with_time_dict(grad_files, time_grids, start_time_migration, end_time_migration) # do migration (all metadata on grid is added to grid_info) do_migration_loop_continuous(opdict, grad_dict, delta, start_time_migration, grid_info, time_grids, keep_grid=True) # integrate to get the marginal probability density distributions # get required info grid_starttime = grid_info['start_time'] nx, ny, nz, nt = grid_info['grid_shape'] dx, dy, dz, dt = grid_info['grid_spacing'] x_orig, y_orig, z_orig = grid_info['grid_orig'] # we are only interested in the time around the origin time of the # event it_left = - grid_starttime)/dt)) it_right = - grid_starttime)/dt)) it_true = - grid_starttime)/dt)) nt = (it_right-it_left)+1 # set up integration axes (wrt reference) x = np.arange(nx)*dx y = np.arange(ny)*dy z = np.arange(nz)*dz if not space_only: t = np.arange(nt)*dt # open the grid file grid_filename = grid_info['dat_file'] f = h5py.File(grid_filename, 'r') stack_grid = f['stack_grid'] # extract the portion of interest (copy data) if space_only: stack_3D = np.empty((nx, ny, nz)) stack_3D[:] = stack_grid[:, it_true].reshape(nx, ny, nz) else: stack_4D = np.empty((nx, ny, nz, nt)) stack_4D[:] = stack_grid[:, it_left:it_right+1].reshape(nx, ny, nz, nt) # close the grid file f.close() # Get expected values (normalizes grid internally) if space_only: exp_x, exp_y, exp_z, cov_matrix, prob_dict = \ compute_expected_coordinates3D(stack_3D, x, y, z, return_2Dgrids=True) else: exp_x, exp_y, exp_z, exp_t, cov_matrix, prob_dict = \ compute_expected_coordinates4D(stack_4D, x, y, z, t, return_2Dgrids=True) # put reference location back exp_x = exp_x + x_orig exp_y = exp_y + y_orig exp_z = exp_z + z_orig if space_only: exp_t = o_time else: exp_t = start_time + exp_t # extract uncertainties from covariance matrix if space_only: sig_x, sig_y, sig_z = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(cov_matrix)) sig_t = (loc['o_err_left']+loc['o_err_right'])/2. else: sig_x, sig_y, sig_z, sig_t = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(cov_matrix)) # save the marginals to a hdf5 file in loc subdirectory (f_marginals) # each event becomes a group in this one file grp = f_marginals.create_group(exp_t.isoformat()) grp.create_dataset('x', data=x+x_orig) grp.create_dataset('y', data=y+y_orig) grp.create_dataset('z', data=z+z_orig) grp.create_dataset('prob_x', data=prob_dict['prob_x0']) grp.create_dataset('prob_y', data=prob_dict['prob_x1']) grp.create_dataset('prob_z', data=prob_dict['prob_x2']) grp.create_dataset('prob_xy', data=prob_dict['prob_x0_x1']) grp.create_dataset('prob_xz', data=prob_dict['prob_x0_x2']) grp.create_dataset('prob_yz', data=prob_dict['prob_x1_x2']) if not space_only: grp.create_dataset('t', data=t-(o_time - start_time)) grp.create_dataset('prob_t', data=prob_dict['prob_x3']) grp.create_dataset('prob_xt', data=prob_dict['prob_x0_x3']) grp.create_dataset('prob_yt', data=prob_dict['prob_x1_x3']) grp.create_dataset('prob_zt', data=prob_dict['prob_x2_x3']) # write the expected values to a plain text locations file f_prob.write("PROB DENSITY : T = %s s pm %.2f s, x= %.4f pm %.4f km, \ y= %.4f pm %.4f km, z= %.4f pm %.4f km\n" % (exp_t.isoformat(), sig_t, exp_x, sig_x, exp_y, sig_y, exp_z, sig_z)) # close location files f_prob.close() f_marginals.close()