Source code for kurtogram

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8

import os
import glob
import logging
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal as si
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from obspy.core import utcdatetime
from locations_trigger import read_locs_from_file
from correlation import BinaryFile
from filters import smooth
from OP_waveforms import Waveform

                    format='%(levelname)s : %(asctime)s : %(message)s')

eps = np.finfo(float).eps

Implements the kurtogram routine of Antoni (2005).

[docs]def nextpow2(n): """ Calculates next power of 2. :param n: a number :type n: integer :rtype: integer :returns: The next power of 2 """ m_f = np.log2(n) m_i = int(np.ceil(m_f)) return 2**m_i
[docs]def get_h_parameters(NFIR, fcut): """ Calculates h-parameters used in Antoni (2005) :param NFIR: length of FIR filter :param fcut: fraction of Nyquist for filter :type NFIR: integer :type fcut: float :rtype: numpy array :returns: h-parameters: h, g, h1, h2, h3 """ h = si.firwin(NFIR+1, fcut) * np.exp(2*1j*np.pi*np.arange(NFIR+1) * 0.125) n = np.arange(2, NFIR+2) g = h[(1-n) % NFIR]*(-1)**(1-n) NFIR = int(np.fix((3./2.*NFIR))) h1 = si.firwin(NFIR+1, 2./3*fcut)*np.exp(2j*np.pi*np.arange(NFIR+1) * 0.25/3.) h2 = h1*np.exp(2j*np.pi*np.arange(NFIR+1)/6.) h3 = h1*np.exp(2j*np.pi*np.arange(NFIR+1)/3.) return (h, g, h1, h2, h3)
[docs]def plotKurtogram(Kwav, freq_w, nlevel, Level_w, Fs, fi, I): """ Plots the kurtogram. :param Kwav: kurtogram :param freq_w: frequency vector :param nlevel: number of decomposition levels :param level_w: vector of levels :param Fs: sampling frequency of the signal :param fi: :param I: level index :type Kwav: numpy array :type freq_w: numpy array :type nlevel: integer :type level_w: numpy array :type Fs: integer :type fi: :type I: integer """ plt.imshow(Kwav, aspect='auto', extent=(0, freq_w[-1], range(2*nlevel)[-1], range(2*nlevel)[0]), interpolation='none', #imgplot.set_cmap('gray') xx = np.arange(0, int(freq_w[len(freq_w)-1]), step=5) plt.xticks(xx) plt.yticks(range(2*nlevel), np.round(Level_w*10)/10) plt.plot(Fs*fi,I,'yo') plt.xlabel("Frequency (Hz)") plt.ylabel("Level k") #plt.figtext(0.075, 0.90, "(a)", fontsize=15) plt.title("Level %.1f, Bw=%.2f Hz, fc=%.2f Hz" % (np.round(10*Level_w[I])/10, Fs*2**(-(Level_w[I]+1)), Fs*fi)) plt.colorbar()
[docs]def getBandwidthAndFrequency(nlevel, Fs, level_w, freq_w, level_index, freq_index): """ Gets bandwidth bw and frequency parameters knowing the level and the frequency indexes. :param nlevel: number of decomposition levels :param Fs: sampling frequency of the signal :param level_w: vector of decomposition levels :param freq_w: vector of frequencies :param level_index: index of the level :param freq_index: index of the frequency :type nlevel: integer :type Fs: integer :type level_w: numpy array :type freq_w: numpy array :type level_index: integer :type freq_index: integer :returns: bw, fc, fi, l1 * bw: bandwidth * fc: central frequency * fi: index of the frequency sequence within the level l1 * l1: level """ #f1 = freq_w[freq_index] l1 = level_w[level_index] fi = (freq_index)/3./2**(nlevel+1) fi += 2.**(-2-l1) bw = Fs*2**-(l1)/2 fc = Fs * fi return bw, fc, fi, l1
[docs]def get_GridMax(grid): """ Gets maximum of a nD grid and its unraveled index :param grid: an nD-grid :type param: numpy array :returns: * M : grid maximum * index : index of maximum in unraveled grid """ index = np.argmax(grid) M = np.amax(grid) index = np.unravel_index(index, grid.shape) return M, index
[docs]def Fast_Kurtogram(x, nlevel, verbose=False, Fs=1, NFIR=16, fcut=0.4, opt1=1, opt2=1): """ Computes the fast kurtogram Kwav of signal x up to level 'nlevel' Maximum number of decomposition levels is log2(length(x)), but it is recommended to stay by a factor 1/8 below this. Also returns the vector of k-levels Level_w, the frequency vector freq_w, the complex envelope of the signal c and the extreme frequencies of the "best" bandpass f_lower and f_upper. J. Antoni : 02/2005 Translation to Python: T. Lecocq 02/2012 :param x: signal to analyse :param nlevel: number of decomposition levels :param verbose: If ``True`` outputs debugging information :param Fs: Sampling frequency of signal x :param NFIR: Length of FIR filter :param fcut: Fraction of Nyquist for filter :param opt1: [1 | 2]: * opt1 = 1: classical kurtosis based on 4th order statistics * opt1 = 2: robust kurtosis based on 2nd order statistics of the envelope (if there is any difference in the kurtogram between the two measures, this is due to the presence of impulsive additive noise) :param opt2: [1 | 2]: * opt2=1: the kurtogram is computed via a fast decimated filterbank * opt2=2: the kurtogram is computed via the short-time Fourier transform (option 1 is faster and has more flexibility than option 2 in the design of the analysis filter: a short filter in option 1 gives virtually the same results as option 2) :type x: numpy array :type nlevel: integer :type Fs: integer :type NFIR: integer :type fcut: float :returns: Kwav, Level_w, freq_w, c, f_lower, f_upper * Kwav: kurtogram * Level_w: vector of levels * freq_w: frequency vector * c: complex envelope of the signal filtered in the frequency band that maximizes the kurtogram * f_lower: lower frequency of the band pass * f_upper: upper frequency of the band pass """ N = len(x) N2 = np.log2(N) - 7 if nlevel > N2: logging.error('Please enter a smaller number of decomposition levels') # Fast computation of the kurtogram #################################### if opt1 == 1: # 1) Filterbank-based kurtogram ############################ # Analytic generating filters h, g, h1, h2, h3 = get_h_parameters(NFIR, fcut) if opt2 == 1: # kurtosis of the complex envelope Kwav = K_wpQ(x, h, g, h1, h2, h3, nlevel, verbose, 'kurt2') else: # variance of the envelope magnitude Kwav = K_wpQ(x, h, g, h1, h2, h3, nlevel, verbose, 'kurt1') # keep positive values only! Kwav[Kwav <= 0] = 0 Level_w = np.arange(1, nlevel+1) Level_w = np.array([Level_w, Level_w + np.log2(3.)-1]) Level_w = sorted(Level_w.ravel()) Level_w = np.append(0, Level_w[0:2*nlevel-1]) freq_w = Fs*(np.arange(0, 3*2.0**nlevel)/(3*2**(nlevel+1)) + 1.0/(3.*2.**(2+nlevel))) M, index = get_GridMax(Kwav) level_index = index[0] freq_index = index[1] bw, fc, fi, l1 = getBandwidthAndFrequency(nlevel, Fs, Level_w, freq_w, level_index, freq_index) if verbose: plotKurtogram(Kwav, freq_w, nlevel, Level_w, Fs, fi, level_index) else: logging.error('stft-based is not implemented') # Signal filtering ! c = [] test = 1 lev = l1 while test == 1: test = 0 c, s, threshold, Bw, fc = Find_wav_kurt(x, h, g, h1, h2, h3, nlevel, lev, fi, Fs=Fs, verbose=verbose) # Determine the lowest and the uppest frequencies of the bandpass f_lower = Fs*np.round((fc-Bw/2.)*10**3)/10**3 f_upper = Fs*np.round((fc+Bw/2.)*10**3)/10**3 return Kwav, Level_w, freq_w, c, f_lower, f_upper
[docs]def K_wpQ(x, h, g, h1, h2, h3, nlevel, verbose, opt, level=0): """ Calculates the kurtosis K (2-D matrix) of the complete quinte wavelet packet transform w of signal x, up to nlevel, using the lowpass and highpass filters h and g, respectively. The WP coefficients are sorted according to the frequency decomposition. This version handles both real and analytical filters, but does not yield WP coefficients suitable for signal synthesis. J. Antoni : 12/2004 Translation to Python: T. Lecocq 02/2012 :param x: signal :param h: lowpass filter :param g: higpass filter :param h1: filter parameter returned by get_h_parameters :param h2: filter parameter returned by get_h_parameters :param h3: filter parameter returned by get_h_parameters :param nlevel: number of decomposition levels :param verbose: If ``True`` outputs debugging information :param opt: ['kurt1' | 'kurt2'] * 'kurt1' = variance of the envelope magnitude * 'kurt2' = kurtosis of the complex envelope :param level: decomposition level for this call :type x: numpy array :type h: numpy array :type g: numpy array :type h1: numpy array :type h2: numpy array :type h3: numpy array :type nlevel: integer :type opt: string :returns: kurtosis """ L = np.floor(np.log2(len(x))) if level == 0: if nlevel >= L: logging.error('nlevel must be smaller') level = nlevel x = x.ravel() KD, KQ = K_wpQ_local(x, h, g, h1, h2, h3, nlevel, verbose, opt, level) K = np.zeros((2*nlevel, 3*2**nlevel)) K[0, :] = KD[0, :] for i in range(1, nlevel): K[2*i-1, :] = KD[i, :] K[2*i, :] = KQ[i-1, :] K[2*nlevel-1, :] = KD[nlevel, :] return K
[docs]def K_wpQ_local(x, h, g, h1, h2, h3, nlevel, verbose, opt, level): """ Is a recursive funtion. Computes and returns the 2-D vector K, which contains the kurtosis value of the signal as well as the 2 kurtosis values corresponding to the signal filtered into 2 different band-passes. Also returns and computes the 2-D vector KQ which contains the 3 kurtosis values corresponding to the signal filtered into 3 different band-passes. :param x: signal :param h: lowpass filter :param g: highpass filter :param h1: filter parameter returned by get_h_parameters :param h2: filter parameter returned by get_h_parameters :param h3: filter parameter returned by get_h_parameters :param nlevel: number of decomposition levels :param verbose: If ``True`` outputs debugging information :param opt: ['kurt1' | 'kurt2'] * 'kurt1' = variance of the envelope magnitude * 'kurt2' = kurtosis of the complex envelope :param level: decomposition level for this call :type x: numpy array :type h: numpy array :type g: numpy array :type h1: numpy array :type h2: numpy array :type h3: numpy array :type nlevel: integer :type opt: string :type level: integer :returns: K, KQ """ a, d = DBFB(x, h, g) N = len(a) d = d*np.power(-1., np.arange(1, N+1)) # indices pairs multipliés par -1 K1 = kurt(a[len(h)-1:], opt) K2 = kurt(d[len(g)-1:], opt) if level > 2: a1, a2, a3 = TBFB(a, h1, h2, h3) d1, d2, d3 = TBFB(d, h1, h2, h3) Ka1 = kurt(a1[len(h)-1:], opt) Ka2 = kurt(a2[len(h)-1:], opt) Ka3 = kurt(a3[len(h)-1:], opt) Kd1 = kurt(d1[len(h)-1:], opt) Kd2 = kurt(d2[len(h)-1:], opt) Kd3 = kurt(d3[len(h)-1:], opt) else: Ka1 = 0 Ka2 = 0 Ka3 = 0 Kd1 = 0 Kd2 = 0 Kd3 = 0 if level == 1: K = np.array([K1*np.ones(3), K2*np.ones(3)]).flatten() KQ = np.array([Ka1, Ka2, Ka3, Kd1, Kd2, Kd3]) if level > 1: Ka, KaQ = K_wpQ_local(a, h, g, h1, h2, h3, nlevel, verbose, opt, level-1) Kd, KdQ = K_wpQ_local(d, h, g, h1, h2, h3, nlevel, verbose, opt, level-1) K1 = K1*np.ones(np.max(Ka.shape)) K2 = K2*np.ones(np.max(Kd.shape)) K12 = np.append(K1, K2) Kad = np.hstack((Ka, Kd)) K = np.vstack((K12, Kad)) Long = int(2./6*np.max(KaQ.shape)) Ka1 = Ka1*np.ones(Long) Ka2 = Ka2*np.ones(Long) Ka3 = Ka3*np.ones(Long) Kd1 = Kd1*np.ones(Long) Kd2 = Kd2*np.ones(Long) Kd3 = Kd3*np.ones(Long) tmp = np.hstack((KaQ, KdQ)) KQ = np.concatenate((Ka1, Ka2, Ka3, Kd1, Kd2, Kd3)) KQ = np.vstack((KQ, tmp)) if level == nlevel: K1 = kurt(x, opt) K = np.vstack((K1*np.ones(np.max(K.shape)), K)) a1, a2, a3 = TBFB(x, h1, h2, h3) Ka1 = kurt(a1[len(h)-1:], opt) Ka2 = kurt(a2[len(h)-1:], opt) Ka3 = kurt(a3[len(h)-1:], opt) Long = int(1./3*np.max(KQ.shape)) Ka1 = Ka1*np.ones(Long) Ka2 = Ka2*np.ones(Long) Ka3 = Ka3*np.ones(Long) tmp = np.array(KQ[0:-2]) KQ = np.concatenate((Ka1, Ka2, Ka3)) KQ = np.vstack((KQ, tmp)) return K, KQ
[docs]def kurt(x, opt): """ Calculates kurtosis of a signal according to the option chosen :param x: signal :param opt: ['kurt1' | 'kurt2'] * 'kurt1' = variance of the envelope magnitude * 'kurt2' = kurtosis of the complex envelope :type x: numpy array :type opt: string :rtype: float :returns: Kurtosis """ if opt == 'kurt2': if np.all(x == 0): K = 0 E = 0 return K x = x - np.mean(x) E = np.mean(np.abs(x)**2) if E < eps: K = 0 return K K = np.mean(np.abs(x)**4)/E**2 if np.all(np.isreal(x)): K = K - 3 else: K = K - 2 if opt == 'kurt1': if np.all(x == 0): K = 0 E = 0 return K x = x - np.mean(x) E = np.mean(np.abs(x)) if E < eps: K = 0 return K K = np.mean(np.abs(x)**2)/E**2 if np.all(np.isreal(x)): K = K-1.57 else: K = K-1.27 return K
[docs]def DBFB(x, h, g): """ Double-band filter-bank. [a,d] = DBFB(x,h,g) computes the approximation coefficients vector a and detail coefficients vector d, obtained by passing signal x though a two-band analysis filter-bank. :param x: signal :param h: The decomposition low-pass filter and :param g: The decomposition high-pass filter. :type x: numpy array :type h: numpy array :type g: numpy array :rtype: numpy array :returns: a, d """ # lowpass filter a = si.lfilter(h, 1, x) a = a[1::2] a = a.ravel() # highpass filter d = si.lfilter(g, 1, x) d = d[1::2] d = d.ravel() return (a, d)
[docs]def TBFB(x, h1, h2, h3): """ Triple-band filter-bank. [a1,a2,a3] = TBFB(x,h1,h2,h3) :param x: signal :param h1: filter parameter :param h2: filter parameter :param h3: filter parameter :type x: numpy array :type h1: numpy array :type h2: numpy array :type h3: numpy array :rtype: numpy array :returns: a1, a2, a3 """ # lowpass filter a1 = si.lfilter(h1, 1, x) a1 = a1[2::3] a1 = a1.ravel() # passband filter a2 = si.lfilter(h2, 1, x) a2 = a2[2::3] a2 = a2.ravel() # highpass filter a3 = si.lfilter(h3, 1, x) a3 = a3[2::3] a3 = a3.ravel() return (a1, a2, a3)
[docs]def Find_wav_kurt(x, h, g, h1, h2, h3, nlevel, Sc, Fr, Fs=1, verbose=False): """ TODO flesh out this doc-string J. Antoni : 12/2004 Translation to Python: T. Lecocq 02/2012 :param x: signal :param h: lowpass filter :param g: highpass filter :param h1: filter parameter returned by get_h_parameters :param h2: filter parameter returned by get_h_parameters :param h3: filter parameter returned by get_h_parameters :param nlevel: number of decomposition levels :param Sc: Sc = -log2(Bw)-1 with Bw the bandwidth of the filter :param Fr: in the range [0, 0.5] :param Fs: Sampling frequency of signal x :param verbose: If ``True`` outputs debugging information :type x: numpy array :type h: numpy array :type g: numpy array :type h1: numpy array :type h2: numpy array :type h3: numpy array :type nlevel: integer :type Fr: float :type: Fs: integer :returns: c, s, threshold, Bw, fc """ level = np.fix((Sc))+((Sc % 1) >= 0.5)*(np.log2(3)-1) Bw = 2**(-level-1) freq_w = np.arange(0, 2**level) / 2**(level+1) + Bw/2. J = np.argmin(np.abs(freq_w-Fr)) fc = freq_w[J] i = int(np.round(fc/Bw-1./2)) if level % 1 == 0: acoeff = binary(i, int(level)) bcoeff = [] temp_level = level else: i2 = int(np.fix((i/3.))) temp_level = np.fix((level))-1 acoeff = binary(i2, int(temp_level)) bcoeff = i-i2*3 acoeff = acoeff[::-1] c = K_wpQ_filt(x, h, g, h1, h2, h3, acoeff, bcoeff, temp_level) t = np.arange(len(x))/float(Fs) tc = np.linspace(t[0], t[-1], len(c)) s = np.real(c*np.exp(2j*np.pi*fc*Fs*tc)) sig = np.median(np.abs(c))/np.sqrt(np.pi/2.) threshold = sig*raylinv(np.array([.999, ]), np.array([1, ])) return c, s, threshold, Bw, fc
[docs]def getFTSquaredEnvelope(c): """ Calculates the Fourier transform of the squared envelope :param c: signal :returns S: FT of squared envelope """ nfft = int(nextpow2(len(c))) env = np.abs(c)**2 S = np.abs(np.fft.fft((env.ravel()-np.mean(env)) * np.hanning(len(env))/len(env), nfft)) return S
[docs]def plot_envelope(x, Fs, c, fc, level, spec=False): """ Plots envelope (with or without its spectrum) :param x: signal :param Fs: sampling frequency of signal :param c: complex envelope of signal :param fc: central frequency of the bandpass in Hz :param level: index of the decomposition level :param spec: If ``True`` also plots the envelope spectrum :type x: numpy array :type Fs: float :type c: numpy array :type fc: float :type level: float """ fig = plt.figure() fig.set_facecolor('white') t = np.arange(len(x))/Fs tc = np.linspace(t[0], t[-1], len(c)) plt.subplot(2+spec, 1, 1) plt.plot(t, x/np.max(x), 'k') plt.plot(tc, np.abs(c)/np.max(np.abs(c)), 'r') plt.title('Original Signal (4-10 Hz)') if spec: plt.subplot(3, 1, 2) else: plt.subplot(2, 1, 2) plt.plot(tc, np.abs(c), 'k') plt.title("Envelope of the filtered signal, Bw=Fs/2^%.1f, fc=%.2f Hz" % (np.round(level*10)/10, Fs*fc)) plt.xlabel('time [s]') if spec == 1: nfft = int(nextpow2(len(c))) env = np.abs(c)**2 S = np.abs(np.fft.fft(env.ravel()-np.mean(env) * np.hanning(len(env))/len(env), nfft)) f = np.linspace(0, 0.5*Fs/2**level, nfft/2) plt.subplot(313) plt.plot(f, S[:nfft/2], 'k') plt.title('Fourier transform magnitude of the squared envelope') plt.xlabel('frequency [Hz]')
[docs]def binary(i, k): """ Computes the coefficients of the binary expansion of i: i = a(1)*2^(k-1) + a(2)*2^(k-2) + ... + a(k) :param i: integer to expand :param k: nummber of coefficients :returns: coefficients a """ if i >= 2**k: logging.error('i must be such that i < 2^k !!') a = np.zeros(k) temp = i for l in np.arange(k-1, -1, -1): a[k-l-1] = int(np.fix(temp/2**l)) temp = temp - int(np.fix(a[k-l-1]*2**l)) return a
[docs]def K_wpQ_filt(x, h, g, h1, h2, h3, acoeff, bcoeff, level=0): """ Calculates the kurtosis K of the complete quinte wavelet packet transform w of signal x, up to nlevel, using the lowpass and highpass filters h and g, respectively. The WP coefficients are sorted according to the frequency decomposition. This version handles both real and analytical filters, but does not yield WP coefficients suitable for signal synthesis. J. Antoni : 12/2004 Translation to Python: T. Lecocq 02/2012 :param x: signal :param h: lowpass filter :param g: highpass filter :param h1: filter parameter returned by get_h_parameters :param h2: filter parameter returned by get_h_parameters :param h3: filter parameter returned by get_h_parameters :param acoeff: :param acoeff: :param level: """ nlevel = len(acoeff) L = np.floor(np.log2(len(x))) if level == 0: if nlevel >= L: logging.error('nlevel must be smaller !!') level = nlevel x = x.ravel() if nlevel == 0: if bcoeff == []: c = x else: c1, c2, c3 = TBFB(x, h1, h2, h3) if bcoeff == 0: c = c1[len(h1)-1:] elif bcoeff == 1: c = c2[len(h2)-1:] elif bcoeff == 2: c = c3[len(h3)-1:] else: c = K_wpQ_filt_local(x, h, g, h1, h2, h3, acoeff, bcoeff, level) return c
[docs]def K_wpQ_filt_local(x, h, g, h1, h2, h3, acoeff, bcoeff, level): """ Performs one analysis level into the analysis tree TODO : flesh out this doc-string :param x: signal :param h: lowpass filter :param g: higpass filter :param h1: filter parameter returned by get_h_parameters :param h2: filter parameter returned by get_h_parameters :param h3: filter parameter returned by get_h_parameters :param acoeff: :param acoeff: :param level: """ a, d = DBFB(x, h, g) N = len(a) d = d*np.power(-1., np.arange(1, N+1)) level = int(level) if level == 1: if bcoeff == []: if acoeff[level-1] == 0: c = a[len(h)-1:] else: c = d[len(g)-1:] else: if acoeff[level-1] == 0: c1, c2, c3 = TBFB(a, h1, h2, h3) else: c1, c2, c3 = TBFB(d, h1, h2, h3) if bcoeff == 0: c = c1[len(h1)-1:] elif bcoeff == 1: c = c2[len(h2)-1:] elif bcoeff == 2: c = c3[len(h3)-1:] if level > 1: if acoeff[level-1] == 0: c = K_wpQ_filt_local(a, h, g, h1, h2, h3, acoeff, bcoeff, level-1) else: c = K_wpQ_filt_local(d, h, g, h1, h2, h3, acoeff, bcoeff, level-1) return c
[docs]def raylinv(p, b): """ Inverse of the Rayleigh cumulative distribution function (cdf). X = RAYLINV(P,B) returns the Rayleigh cumulative distribution function with parameter B at the probabilities in P. :param p: probabilities :param b: """ # Initialize x to zero. x = np.zeros(len(p)) # Return NaN if the arguments are outside their respective limits. k = np.where(((b <= 0) | (p < 0) | (p > 1)))[0] if len(k) != 0: tmp = np.NaN x[k1] = tmp(len(k)) # Put in the correct values when P is 1. k = np.where(p == 1)[0] if len(k) != 0: tmp = np.Inf x[k] = tmp(len(k)) k = np.where(((b > 0) & (p > 0) & (p < 1)))[0] if len(k) != 0: pk = p[k] bk = b[k] x[k] = np.sqrt((-2*bk ** 2) * np.log(1 - pk)) return x
[docs]def plot_trace(fig, G, x, xfilt, kurtx, tr, info, f_lower, f_upper, snr, snr_ref, snr_kurt, kmax, kmax_ref, tstack): """ Plots both signal and kurtosis for comparison. TODO : flesh out this doc-string. :param fig: figure :param G: location of the subplot in the figure :param x: initial signal :param xfilt: signal filtered in bandpass determined after the kurtogram analysis :param kurtx: kurtosis of the initial signal :param tr: kurtosis of the filtered signal :param info: dictionary of parameters :param f_lower: lower frequency of the filtering bandpass :param f_upper: upper frequency of the filtering bandpass :param snr: signal-to-noise ratio of xfilt :param snr_ref: signal-to-noise ratio of x :param snr_kurt: signal-to-noise ratio of tr :param kmax: maximum value of tr :param kmax_ref: maximum value of kurtx :param tstack: origin time of the signal :type fig: matplotlib.pyplot.figure :type G: matplotlib.gridspec :type x: numpy array :type xfilt: numpy array :type kurtx: numpy array :type tr: numpy array :type info: dictionary :type f_lower: float :type f_upper: flaot :type snr: float :type snr_ref: float :type snr_kurt: float :type kmax: float :type kmax_ref: float :type tstack: utcdatetime """ sta = info['station'] ax1 = fig.add_subplot(G[0, 1], title="Signal filtered between 4 - 10 Hz") ax1.plot(x/np.max(np.abs(x)), 'k') ax1.plot(kurtx/np.max(np.abs(kurtx)), 'y--', lw=2) ax1.text(0.02, 0.1, "SNR: %.1f \nKmax: %.2f" % (snr_ref, kmax_ref), transform=ax1.transAxes) ax1.text(-0.15, 1.02, "(b)", transform=ax1.transAxes, fontsize=15) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(G[1, 1], title="Signal filtered between %.1f - %.1f Hz" % (f_lower, f_upper)) ax2.plot(xfilt/np.max(np.abs(xfilt)), 'k') ax2.plot(tr/np.max(np.abs(tr)), 'r--', lw=2) ax2.text(0.02, 0.1, "SNR: %.1f \nKmax: %.2f" % (snr, kmax), transform=ax2.transAxes) ax2.text(-0.15, 1.02, "(c)", transform=ax2.transAxes, fontsize=15) ax3 = fig.add_subplot(G[2, 1], title="Kurtosis comparison") ax3.plot(tr, 'r--', label="new") ax3.plot(kurtx, 'y', label="initial", lw=2) handles, labels = ax3.get_legend_handles_labels() ax3.legend(handles, labels) ax3.text(-0.15, 1.02, "(d)", transform=ax3.transAxes, fontsize=15) ax3.set_xlabel("Time sample") plt.setp(ax1.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) plt.setp(ax2.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) fig.suptitle("%s - %s" % (sta, tstack))
[docs]def write_file(info, tstart, tend, tr): """ Replaces the initial kurtosis by a new one (from the signal filtered in the preferred band pass). Writes it in the dictionary info. :param info: dictionary of parameters :param tstart: start-time :param tend: end-time :param tr: trace to write :type info: dictionary :type tstart: utcdatetime :type tend: utcdatetime :type tr: numpy array :rtype: dictionary :returns: info """ print "Writing a new kurtosis file..." t_orig = info['tdeb'] dt = info['dt'] ind1 = int((tstart-t_orig)/dt) ind2 = int((tend-t_orig)/dt) if ind1 < 0: tr = tr[-ind1:] ind1 = 0 if ind2 > len(info['new_kurt']): ind2 = len(info['new_kurt'])-1 if len(info['new_kurt'][ind1:ind2+1]) == len(tr): info['new_kurt'][ind1:ind2+1] = tr return info
[docs]def waveval(xall, tstart, tend, dt, tdeb): """ Returns the part of signal corresponding to a given event. :param xall: complete signal :param tstart: start time of the signal :param tend: end time of the signal :param dt: time sampling in seconds :param tdeb: start time of the whole data :type xall: numpy array :type tstart: utcdatetime :type tend: utcdatetime :type dt: float :type tdeb: utcdateime :rtype: numpy array :returns: val """ tstart = tstart-tdeb tend = tend-tdeb istart = int(round(tstart*1./dt)) iend = int(round(tend*1./dt)) val = xall[istart-1:iend] return val
[docs]def kurto(origin_time, info, opdict): """ Finds for each Waveloc event and for each station the best filtering parameters for kurtosis computation. Writes them into the dictionary info. :param origin_time: origin time of the signal :param info: dictionary of parameters :param opdict: dictionary of the Waveloc parameters and options :type origin_time: utcdatetime :type info: dictionary :type opdict: dictionary :rtype: dictionary :returns: info """ verbose = opdict['verbose'] kwin = opdict['kwin'] start_time = origin_time-5.0 end_time = origin_time+20.0 dt = info['dt'] # Trace x = waveval(info['data_ini'], start_time, end_time, dt, info['tdeb_data']) if not x.any() and x.all(): return info # Initial kurtosis (trace filtered between 4-10Hz) kurtx = waveval(info['kurt_ini'], start_time, end_time, dt, info['tdeb_kurt']) kurtx = smooth(kurtx) N = len(x) N2 = np.log2(N)-7 nlevel = int(np.fix(N2)) snr_ref = np.max(np.abs(x))/np.mean(np.abs(x)) snr_kurt_ref = np.max(np.abs(kurtx))/np.mean(np.abs(kurtx)) kmax_ref = np.max(kurtx) # maximum of the kurtosis # Compute the kurtogram and keep best frequencies if verbose: import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec G = gridspec.GridSpec(3, 2) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 6)) fig.set_facecolor('white') fig.add_subplot(G[:, 0]) Kwav, Level_w, freq_w, c, f_lower, f_upper = \ Fast_Kurtogram(np.array(x, dtype=float), nlevel, verbose, Fs=1/dt, opt2=1) # Comparison of the kurtosis computed in the new frequency band and the old # one (criterion : snr, kmax) # 1. Read the initial data wf = Waveform() wf.read_from_file(info['data_file'], starttime=start_time-kwin, endtime=end_time+kwin) nbpts = int(kwin*1./dt) # 2. Filter the trace with kurtogram frequencies wf.bp_filter(f_lower, f_upper) x_filt = wf.values x_filt = x_filt[nbpts:-nbpts] # 3. Compute the kurtosis wf.process_kurtosis(kwin, recursive=opdict['krec']) new_kurtx = wf.values if opdict['krec']: new_kurtx = new_kurtx[nbpts+1:-nbpts-1] else: new_kurtx = new_kurtx[:-nbpts-1] snr = np.max(np.abs(x_filt))/np.mean(np.abs(x_filt)) snr_kurt = np.max(np.abs(new_kurtx))/np.mean(np.abs(new_kurtx)) kmax = np.max(new_kurtx) if snr > snr_ref and kmax >= kmax_ref: info['filter'].append((round(f_lower*100)/100, round(f_upper*100)/100)) if 'new_kurt_file' in info: info = write_file(info, start_time, end_time, new_kurtx) else: info['filter'].append((0, 50)) if verbose and snr > 3: print "snr:", snr, " ; snr_ref:", snr_ref print "snr new kurtosis:", snr_kurt, " ; snr kurtosis reference:",\ snr_kurt_ref print "kurtosis max, kurt_ref :", kmax, kmax_ref plot_trace(fig, G, x, x_filt, kurtx, new_kurtx, info, f_lower, f_upper, snr, snr_ref, snr_kurt, kmax, kmax_ref, origin_time) return info
[docs]def read_kurtogram_frequencies(filename): """ Reads the binary file with kurtogram frequencies. Plots the histograms of lower and upper frequencies for each station. Aims at determining the best filtering parameters. :param filename: File to read :type filename: string """ a = BinaryFile(filename) freqs = a.read_binary_file() for staname in sorted(freqs): print "%s %.1f %.1f" % (staname, np.mean(freqs[staname][:, 0]), np.mean(freqs[staname][:, 1])) fig = plt.figure() fig.set_facecolor('white') plt.hist([freqs[staname][:, 0], freqs[staname][:, 1]], 35, histtype='stepfilled', alpha=.2, color=('b', 'g'), label=['f_low', 'f_up']) plt.title(staname) plt.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') plt.figtext(0.15, 0.85, "Lower f = %.1f Hz" % np.mean(freqs[staname][:, 0])) plt.figtext(0.15, 0.8, "Upper f = %.1f Hz" % np.mean(freqs[staname][:, 1]))
[docs]def do_kurtogram_setup_and_run(opdict): """ Run the kurtogram analysis using the parameters contained in the WavelocOptions.opdict. :param opdict: Dictionary containing the waveloc parameters and options. """ base_path = opdict['base_path'] # data data_dir = os.path.join(base_path, 'data', opdict['datadir']) data_glob = opdict['dataglob'] data_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(data_dir, data_glob)) data_files.sort() kurt_glob = opdict['kurtglob'] kurt_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(data_dir, kurt_glob)) kurt_files.sort() # output directory out_dir = os.path.join(base_path, 'out', opdict['outdir']) # location file locdir = os.path.join(out_dir, 'loc') locfile = os.path.join(locdir, 'locations.dat') # Read locations locs = read_locs_from_file(locfile) # create a file containing the best filtering parameters for each event and # each station kurto_file = os.path.join(out_dir, 'kurto') tdeb = utcdatetime.UTCDateTime(opdict['starttime']) tfin = utcdatetime.UTCDateTime(opdict['endtime']) # write filenames in a dictionary kurtdata = {} for filename in kurt_files: try: wf = Waveform() wf.read_from_file(filename) sta = wf.station kurtdata[sta] = filename except UserWarning:'No data around %s for file %s.' % (tdeb.isoformat(), filename)) data = {} for filename in data_files: try: wf = Waveform() wf.read_from_file(filename) sta = wf.station data[sta] = filename except UserWarning:'No data around %s for file %s.' % (tdeb.isoformat(), filename)) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Create an empty dictionnary that will contain the filtering parameters param = {} for station in sorted(data): wf1 = Waveform() wf1.read_from_file(data[station], starttime=tdeb, endtime=tfin) wf2 = Waveform() wf2.read_from_file(kurtdata[station], starttime=tdeb, endtime=tfin) info = {} info['data_file'] = data[station] info['station'] = station info['tdeb_data'] = wf1.starttime info['tdeb_kurt'] = wf2.starttime info['kurt_file'] = kurtdata[station] info['data_ini'] = wf1.values info['kurt_ini'] = wf2.values info['dt'] = wf1.dt info['filter'] = []'Processing station %s' % info['station']) if opdict['new_kurtfile']: new_filename = 'filt_kurtogram' new_kurt_filename = \ os.path.join("%s%s" % (data[station].split(data_glob[1:])[0], new_filename)) info['new_kurt_file'] = new_kurt_filename trace_kurt_fin = Waveform() trace_kurt_fin.read_from_file(new_kurt_filename) info['new_kurt'] = trace_kurt_fin.values for loc in locs: origin_time = loc['o_time'] if opdict['verbose']: print "******************************************************" print if origin_time > tdeb and origin_time < tfin: info = kurto(origin_time, info, opdict) else: continue info['filter'] = np.matrix(info['filter']) sta = info['station'] param[sta] = info['filter'] if 'new_kurt_file' in info: trace_kurt_fin.values[:] = info['new_kurt'] trace_kurt_fin.write_to_file_filled(info['new_kurt_file'], format='MSEED', fill_value=0) # Write the dictionnary 'param' in a binary file if os.path.isfile(kurto_file): ans = raw_input('%s file already exists. Do you really want to replace\ it ? (y or n):\n' % kurto_file) if ans != 'y': kurto_file = "%s_1" % kurto_file a = BinaryFile(kurto_file) a.write_binary_file(param) # read and plot the file you have just written read_kurtogram_frequencies(kurto_file)