Source code for double_diff

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8

Routines to do double-difference relative location of events.

import os
import numpy as np
import logging

from obspy.core import utcdatetime

from locations_trigger import read_locs_from_file, read_header_from_file, \
from correlation import BinaryFile
from NllGridLib import read_stations_file, read_hdr_file
from hdf5_grids import get_interpolated_time_grids

[docs]def traveltimes(x, y, z, t_orig, stations, time_grids): """ Compute theoretical traveltimes and arrival times for a point to all stations using pre-calculated time-grids :param x: x-coordinate of point :param y: y-coordinate of point :param z: z-coordinate of point :param t_orig: origin time of envent (used to calculate arrival times) :param stations: list of station names :param time_grids: dictionary of time-grids :type x: float :type y: float :type z: float :type t_orig: UTCDateTime :type stations: string :rtype: dictionary :returns: t_th, arr_times """ t_th = {} arr_times = {} for staname in sorted(stations): if not staname in time_grids.keys():"%s station not in time_grids" % staname) continue t_th[staname] = [] arr_times[staname] = [] for i in range(len(x)): # travel-time t_th[staname].append(time_grids[staname].value_at_point(x[i], y[i], z[i])) # arrival-time arr_times[staname].append(utcdatetime.UTCDateTime(t_orig[i]) + t_th[staname][i]) return t_th, arr_times
[docs]def partial_deriv(coord, ev, tth): """ Computes partial derivatives :param coord: list of coordinates [x,y,z] of a given station :param ev: list of coordinates [x,y,z] of the event :param tth: theoretical traveltime from the event to the station :type coord: list :type ev: list :type tth: float :rtype: list :returns: dpx, dpy, dpz """ norm = (coord[0]-ev[0])**2+(coord[1]-ev[1])**2+(coord[2]-ev[2])**2 dpx = -(coord[0]-ev[0])*tth/norm dpy = -(coord[1]-ev[1])*tth/norm dpz = -(coord[2]-ev[2])*tth/norm return [dpx, dpy, dpz]
[docs]def fill_matrix(cluster, x, y, z, t_orig, stations, t_th, t_arr, coeff, delay, threshold): """ Fills in matrix G (partial derivatives) data-vector d (double differences) and matrix W (weights) :param cluster: indices of events in the cluster :param x: x-coordinates of all events :param y: y-coordinates of all events :param z: z-coordinates of all events :param t_orig: origin times of all events :param stations: dictionary of station coordinates :param t_th: dictionary of theoretical traveltimes :param t_arr: dictionary of theoretical arrival times :param coeff: cross-correlation coefficients between all possible pairs of events :param delay: time delays measured between all possible pairs of events :param threshold: :type cluster: list :type x: list :type y: list :type z: list :type t_orig: list :type stations: dictionary :type t_th: dictionary :type t_arr: dictionary :type coeff: dictionary :type delay: dictionary :type threshold: float """ G, W, d = [], [], [] N = len(cluster) nline, num = 0, 0 for staname in sorted(stations): if not staname in delay.keys(): continue if not staname in t_th.keys(): continue coord = [stations[staname]['x'], stations[staname]['y'], -stations[staname]['elev']] for n in range(N): ev1 = [x[n], y[n], z[n]] e1 = cluster[n] dp1 = partial_deriv(coord, ev1, t_th[staname][n]) for nn in range(n+1, N): e2 = cluster[nn] if delay[staname][e1-1][e2-1] != 'NaN' and \ coeff[staname][e1-1][e2-1] >= threshold: # fill G G.append(np.zeros(4*N)) ev2 = [x[nn], y[nn], z[nn]] dp2 = partial_deriv(coord, ev2, t_th[staname][nn]) dp2 = [-elt for elt in dp2] G[nline][4*n:4*n+4] = dp1+[1] G[nline][4*nn:4*nn+4] = dp2+[-1] nline += 1 # fill d obs = delay[staname][e1-1][e2-1]+(t_orig[n]-t_orig[nn]) theo = t_arr[staname][n]-t_arr[staname][nn] d.append(obs-theo) # fill W W.append(coeff[staname][e1-1][e2-1]) num += 1 return G, d, W
[docs]def centroid_constraint(G, d, W): """ Applies centroid constraint: sum(delta m)=0. :param G: matrix of partial derivatives :param d: vector of double-difference times :param W: weighting matrix :returns: Updated versions of G, d, W """ ncol = np.size(G, 1) nline = np.size(G, 0) for i in range(4): G.append(np.zeros(ncol)) G[nline][i::4] = 1 W.append(0.5) nline += 1 d.extend(np.zeros(4)) W = np.diag(W) return np.matrix(G), np.transpose(np.matrix(d)), np.matrix(W)
[docs]def inversion(G, d, W): """ Inverts G, d, W using LSQR to obtain parameter vector m :param G: matrix of partial derivatives :param d: vector of double-difference times :param W: weighting matrix :returns: Parameter vector m """ Gt = np.transpose(G) Winv = W.getI() a = Gt*Winv*G ainv = a.getI() m = ainv*Gt*Winv*d return m
[docs]def coord_cluster(cluster, locs): """ Extract the coordinates of the events of a given cluster :param cluster: indices of events in the cluster :param locs: list of the whole locations (each element of the list is a dictionary) :type cluster: list :type locs: list :rtype: list :returns: xini, yini, zini, zini_ph, to_ini """ xini, yini, zini, zini_ph, to_ini = [], [], [], [], [] for ind in cluster: xini.append(locs[ind-1]['x_mean']) yini.append(locs[ind-1]['y_mean']) zini.append(locs[ind-1]['z_mean']) zini_ph.append(-locs[ind-1]['z_mean']) # positive z axis upwards to_ini.append(locs[ind-1]['o_time']) return xini, yini, zini, zini_ph, to_ini
[docs]def plot_events(cluster, locs, stations, x, y, z, i, threshold, nbmin, area, nbsta): """ Plot old and new locations (uses mayavi) :param cluster: indices of events composing all clusters :param locs: list of the whole locations (each element of the list is a dictionary) :param stations: dictionary of stations :param x: new x-coordinates of events :param y: new y-coordinates of events :param z: new z-coordinates of events :param i: cluster index :param threshold: minimum value of cross-correlation coefficient used to form a cluster :param nbmin: minimum number of stations required to form a cluster :param area: coordinates of the study area :param nbsta: number of stations where the measured correlation coefficient was greater than the given threshold for all possible event pairs :type cluster: numpy array :type locs: list :type stations: dictionary :type x: list :type y: list :type z: list :type i: int :type threshold: float :type nbmin: int :type area: list :type nbsta: numpy array """ from mayavi import mlab from CZ_color import CZ_W_2_color # Stations coordinates xsta, ysta, zsta = [], [], [] for sta in sorted(stations): xsta.append(stations[sta]['x']) ysta.append(stations[sta]['y']) zsta.append(stations[sta]['elev']) z_ph = [-elt for elt in z] # Initial hypocentral parameters xini, yini, zini, zini_ph, to_ini = coord_cluster(cluster[i], locs) mlab.figure(i, bgcolor=(1, 1, 1), fgcolor=(0, 0, 0), size=(1000, 900)) mlab.clf() # yellow : initial locations mlab.points3d(xini, yini, zini_ph, color=(1, 1, 0), scale_factor=0.2) mlab.points3d(xsta, ysta, zsta, color=(1, 0, 0), scale_factor=0.05, mode='cube') # cyan : new locations mlab.points3d(x, y, z_ph, color=(0, 1, 1), scale_factor=0.2) mlab.axes(extent=area, color=(0, 0, 0)) # axe des z positif vers le haut mlab.outline(extent=area, color=(0, 0, 0)) mlab.title("cluster=%s, threshold=%s, nbmin=%s" % (i, threshold, nbmin), height=0.1, size=0.35, color=(0, 0, 0)) if len(cluster[i]) < 20: for ind_I in range(len(cluster[i])): for ind_J in range(ind_I+1, len(cluster[i])): ev_I = cluster[i][ind_I]-1 ev_J = cluster[i][ind_J]-1 W_IJ = nbsta[ev_I, ev_J] if W_IJ >= nbmin: mlab.points3d(xini[ind_J], yini[ind_J], zini_ph[ind_J], scale_factor=0.1, color=(0, 0, 0)) mlab.points3d(xini[ind_I], yini[ind_I], zini_ph[ind_I], scale_factor=0.1, color=(0, 0, 0)) d = (xini[ind_J]-xini[ind_I], yini[ind_J]-yini[ind_I], zini_ph[ind_J]-zini_ph[ind_I]) norm = np.sqrt(d[0]**2+d[1]**2+d[2]**2) mlab.quiver3d(xini[ind_I], yini[ind_I], zini_ph[ind_I], d[0], d[1], d[2], color=tuple(CZ_W_2_color(W_IJ)), mode='2ddash', scale_factor=norm, scale_mode='scalar')
[docs]def do_double_diff(x, y, z, to, stations, coeff, delay, cluster, threshold, t_th, arr_times): """ Do double difference location (inner routine) and return new coordinates. :param x: x-coordinates of events of a given cluster :param y: y-coordinates of events of a given cluster :param z: z-coordinates of events of a given cluster :param to: origin times of events of a given cluster :param stations: dictionary of stations :param coeff: cross-correlation coefficients between all possible pairs of events :param delay: time delays measured between all possible pairs of events :param cluster: indices of events in the cluster :param threshold: minimum value of cross-correlation coefficient used to form a cluster :param t_th: theoretical traveltimes :param arr_times: theoretical arrival times :type x: list :type y: list :type z: list :type to: list :type stations: dictionary :type coeff: dictionary :type delay: dictionary :type cluster: list :type threshold: float :type t_th: dictionary :type arr_times: dictionary :rtype: list :returns: x, y, z, to """ N = len(cluster) # Fill G, d and W G, d, W = fill_matrix(cluster, x, y, z, to, stations, t_th, arr_times, coeff, delay, threshold) # Centroid constraint : add 4 lines to G, d and W G, d, W = centroid_constraint(G, d, W) # Inversion m = inversion(G, d, W) for i in range(N): x[i] = x[i]+m[4*i, 0] y[i] = y[i]+m[4*i+1, 0] z[i] = z[i]+m[4*i+2, 0] to[i] = utcdatetime.UTCDateTime(to[i])+m[4*i+3, 0] return x, y, z, to
[docs]def do_double_diff_setup_and_run(opdict): """ Do double difference (outer routine). Takes options from a WavelocOptions.opdict dictionary. :param opdict: Dictionary of parameters and options """ base_path = opdict['base_path'] verbose = opdict['verbose'] dd_loc = opdict['dd_loc'] # Station stations_filename = os.path.join(base_path, 'lib', opdict['stations']) stations = read_stations_file(stations_filename) # Location file locdir = os.path.join(base_path, 'out', opdict['outdir'], 'loc') loc_filename = os.path.join(locdir, 'locations.dat') locs = read_locs_from_file(loc_filename) opdict = read_header_from_file(loc_filename, opdict) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # search grid search_grid_filename = os.path.join(base_path, 'lib', opdict['search_grid']) # traveltimes grid grid_info = read_hdr_file(search_grid_filename) time_grids = get_interpolated_time_grids(opdict) # Extract the UTM coordinates of the area of study xstart = grid_info['x_orig'] xend = xstart+grid_info['nx']*grid_info['dx'] ystart = grid_info['y_orig'] yend = ystart+grid_info['ny']*grid_info['dy'] zend = -grid_info['z_orig'] zstart = -(-zend+grid_info['nz']*grid_info['dz']) area = [xstart, xend, ystart, yend, zstart, zend] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ nbmin = int(opdict['nbsta']) threshold = float(opdict['clus']) # Correlation, time delay and cluster files corr_file = os.path.join(locdir, opdict['xcorr_corr']) cfile = BinaryFile(corr_file) coeff = cfile.read_binary_file() delay_file = os.path.join(locdir, opdict['xcorr_delay']) dfile = BinaryFile(delay_file) delay = dfile.read_binary_file() cluster_file = os.path.join(locdir, 'cluster-%s-%s' % (str(threshold), str(nbmin))) clfile = BinaryFile(cluster_file) cluster = clfile.read_binary_file() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Input parameters len_cluster_min = 2 if dd_loc: new_loc_filename = os.path.join(locdir, 'relocations.dat') new_loc_file = open(new_loc_filename, 'w') write_header_options(new_loc_file, opdict) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Iterate over clusters for i in cluster.keys(): print "CLUSTER %d:" % i, cluster[i], len(cluster[i]) N = len(cluster[i]) # Hypocentral parameters to be changed x, y, z, z_ph, to = coord_cluster(cluster[i], locs) # Replace bad locations by the centroid coordinates centroid_x = np.mean(x) centroid_y = np.mean(y) centroid_z = np.mean(z) for ii in range(len(cluster[i])): if np.abs(x[ii]-centroid_x) > .75: x[ii] = centroid_x if np.abs(y[ii]-centroid_y) > .75: y[ii] = centroid_y if np.abs(z[ii]-centroid_z) > .75: z[ii] = centroid_z if N > len_cluster_min: # Theroretical traveltimes and arrival times t_th, arr_times = traveltimes(x, y, z, to, stations, time_grids) # do double difference location x, y, z, to = do_double_diff(x, y, z, to, stations, coeff, delay, cluster[i], threshold, t_th, arr_times) if verbose: from clustering import compute_nbsta nbsta = compute_nbsta(len(locs), coeff, threshold) plot_events(cluster, locs, stations, x, y, z, i, threshold, nbmin, area, nbsta) if dd_loc: ind = 0 for j in cluster[i]: locs[j-1]['x_mean'] = x[ind] locs[j-1]['y_mean'] = y[ind] locs[j-1]['z_mean'] = z[ind] locs[j-1]['o_time'] = to[ind] locs[j-1]['x_sigma'] = 0 locs[j-1]['y_sigma'] = 0 locs[j-1]['z_sigma'] = 0 locs[j-1]['o_err_right'] = 0 locs[j-1]['o_err_left'] = 0 ind += 1 new_loc_file.write("Max = %.2f, %s - %.2f s + %.2f s, x= %.4f pm\ %.4f km, y= %.4f pm %.4f km, z= %.4f pm %.4f km\n" % (locs[j-1]['max_trig'], locs[j-1]['o_time'].isoformat(), locs[j-1]['o_err_left'], locs[j-1]['o_err_right'], locs[j-1]['x_mean'], locs[j-1]['x_sigma'], locs[j-1]['y_mean'], locs[j-1]['y_sigma'], locs[j-1]['z_mean'], locs[j-1]['z_sigma'])) if dd_loc: new_loc_file.close()