Source code for correlation

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
Provides classes and functions for cross-correlation.

import os
import glob
import time
import cPickle
import logging
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from OP_waveforms import Waveform
from locations_trigger import read_locs_from_file

[docs]class BinaryFile(object): """ Class that reads, writes and stores the binary files containing the correlation matrix. """ def __init__(self, filename): """ :param filename: Filename of binary file to be read/written :type filename: string """ self.filename = filename
[docs] def read_binary_file(self): """ Reads the binary file from disk and returns un-pickled data :rtype: numpy array ? :returns: data read from tile """ with open(self.filename, 'rb') as test: my_depickler = cPickle.Unpickler(test) result = my_depickler.load() test.close() return result
[docs] def write_binary_file(self, input): """ Writes a binary file from disk :param input: input data ready to be pickled """ with open(self.filename, 'wb') as test: my_pickler = cPickle.Pickler(test) my_pickler.dump(input) test.close()
[docs]def fourier(x, y, dt): """ Computes cross-correlation and auto-correlation vectors of two signals in the frequency domain. :param x: first signal :param y: second signal :param dt: time-step of both signals :type x: numpy array :type y: numpy array :type dt: float :rtype: numpy arrays :returns: Cxy, Cxx, Cyy, f """ # remove the mean of both signals x = x-np.mean(x) y = y-np.mean(y) # compute fft X = np.fft.fft(x) Y = np.fft.fft(y) # Compute the cross-correlation and auto-correlation vectors Cxx, Cyy, Cxy = [], [], [] Cxy = np.conjugate(X)*Y Cxx = np.conjugate(X)*X Cyy = np.conjugate(Y)*Y f = np.fft.fftfreq(len(x), d=dt) return Cxy, Cxx, Cyy, f
[docs]def corr_time(Cxy, Cxx, Cyy, dt, v): """ Returns maximum of cross-correlation and time-lag given frequency domain cross- and auto- correlation vectors. :param Cxy: frequency domain cross-correlation :param Cxx: frequency domain auto-correlation :param Cyy: frequency domain auto-correlation :param dt: time step :param v: If ``True`` plots cross-correlation in the time-domain :type Cxy: numpy array :type Cxx: numpy array :type Cyy: numpy array :type dt: float :type v: boolean :rtype: float :returns: value_t, tau_t, respectively the cross-correlation maximum value and time-lag """ # get time-domain arrays cxy = np.fft.ifft(Cxy) cxx = np.fft.ifft(Cxx) cyy = np.fft.ifft(Cyy) # time vector tc = np.arange(-np.floor(len(cxy)/2)*dt, np.floor(len(cxy)/2)*dt+dt, dt) # normalize the cross-correlation vector (cf Schwartz inequality) cxy = cxy/np.sqrt(cxx[0]*cyy[0]) # rewrite the cross-correlation vector cxy in proper order cxy[len(cxy)/2+1:len(cxy)] = cxy[-1:-len(cxy)/2:-1] # "positive" part cxy[0:len(cxy)/2+1] = cxy[-len(cxy)/2:-len(cxy)-1:-1] # "negative" part if v: fig = plt.figure() fig.set_facecolor('white') plt.plot(cxy, 'k') # get maximum of cross-correlation and time lag value_t = np.abs(np.max(cxy)) tau_t = tc[np.argmax(cxy)] return value_t, tau_t
[docs]def corr_freq(f, Cxy, v): """ Computes the time lag entirely in the spectral domain, using the slope of the phase spectrum where the amplitude is strong. :param f: frequency vector :param Cxy: frequency domain cross-correlation vector :param v: If ``True`` displays Cxy :type f: numpy array :type Cxy: numpy array :type v: boolean :rtype: float :returns: time-lag """ # Determine the limits of the amplitude spectrum mini, maxi = cum(np.abs(Cxy[0:len(f)/2]), v) fmin, fmax = f[mini], f[maxi] f_min_max = f[mini:maxi] # Plot if v: display(Cxy, f, f_min_max) # Compute the slope of the phase spectrum where the amplitude is strong... # This is only performed after time-realignment - do not unwrap the phase phase_min_max = np.angle(Cxy[mini:maxi], deg=False) a = sum(f_min_max*phase_min_max)/sum(f_min_max**2) # ... and deduce the time delay tau_f = a/(2*np.pi) return tau_f
[docs]def cum(x,v): """ Determines the minimum and maximum indices of the most significative part of a signal. (Here, determines the part of the amplitude spectrum which is useful) :param x: signal :param v: If ``True`` then plot x and cumulative sum of x :type x: numpy array :type v: boolean :rtype: int :returns: mini, maxi """ s = np.cumsum(x) p = np.polyfit(range(len(x)), s, deg=1) line = p[0]*np.arange(len(x))+p[1] l = s-line ind_min = np.where(l <= 0)[0][0] ind_max = np.where(l >= 0)[0][-1]+1 mini = np.argmin(l[ind_min:ind_max])+ind_min maxi = np.argmax(l[ind_min:ind_max])+ind_min if v: fig = plt.figure() fig.set_facecolor('white') plt.plot(x, 'k') plt.plot(s, 'y') plt.plot(line, 'b') plt.plot(l, 'r') plt.plot(mini, l[mini], 'mo') plt.plot(maxi, l[maxi], 'mo') return mini, maxi
[docs]def waveform(filename): """ Convenience function to read a seismogram and return its data, time-step, station name and start-time :param filename: File to read :type filename: string :returns: val, dt, name, tdeb * val = seismogram values * dt = time-step * name = station name * tdeb = start-time (UTCDateTime) """ wf = Waveform() wf.read_from_file(filename) name = wf.station val = wf.values dt = tdeb = wf.starttime return val, dt, name, tdeb
[docs]def plot_waveform(x, y, dt, tau, ev1, ev2): """ Plots the waveforms. On the first plot, both waveforms are superimposed. On the second plot, they are plotted separately. :param x: waveform :param y: waveform :param dt: time-step :param tau: time-lag :param ev1: name of event shown in waveform x :param ev2: name of event shown in waveform y :type x: numpy array :type y: numpy array :type dt: float :type tau: float :type ev1: string :type ev2: string """ t = np.arange(len(x))*dt fig = plt.figure() fig.set_facecolor('white') for i in range(len(tau)): itau = tau[i] ax = fig.add_subplot(len(tau), 1, i+1) ax.plot(t, x/np.max(x)) ax.plot(t+itau, y/np.max(y), 'r') plt.suptitle('Event pair: (%s, %s)' % (ev1, ev2)) fig = plt.figure() fig.set_facecolor('white') ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211, title="event %s" % ev1) ax1.plot(t, x) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212, title="event: %s" % ev2) ax2.plot(t, y)
[docs]def display(Cxy, f, f_min_max): """ Displays amplitude and phase of the frequency domain cross-correlation. :param Cxy: frequency domain cross-correlation :param f: frequency vector :param f_min_max: :type Cxy: numpy array :type f: numpy array :type f_min_max: numpy array """ fig = plt.figure() fig.set_facecolor('white') ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211, title="Amplitude spectrum") ax1.plot(f[0:len(f)/2], np.abs(Cxy[0:len(f)/2])) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212, title="Phase spectrum") ax2.plot(f[0:len(f)/2], np.angle(Cxy[0:len(f)/2], deg=False), '+') ax2.plot(f_min_max, np.zeros(len(f_min_max)), 'r')
[docs]def correlate(x, y, dt, v, a): """ Performs correlation on two signals. :param x: waveform :param y: waveform :param dt: time-step :param v: If ``True`` makes plots :param a: ['t' | 'f'] for time-domain or frequency-domain extraction of time-lag :type x: numpy array :type y: numpy array :type dt: float :type v: boolean :type a: char :rtype: float :returns: The returned values depend on the *a* input parameter: * a='t' : returns time-lag and correlation value * a='f' : returns time-lag """ Cxy, Cxx, Cyy, f = fourier(x, y, dt) if a == 't': corr, tau = corr_time(Cxy, Cxx, Cyy, dt, v) return tau, corr if a == 'f': tau = corr_freq(f, Cxy, v) return tau
[docs]def do_correlation_setup_and_run(opdict): """ Runs correlation using options contained in a WavelocOptions.opdict dictionary. Explores and cross-correlates all possible event pairs of the Waveloc location file at all stations. Writes the correlation coefficients and time delays in 2-D numpy arrays for each station and saves the final dictionaries into 2 binary files. The correlation first takes place in the time domain. If the correlation value is over a given threshold, the correlation is also performed in the frequency domain so that a subsample precision can be obtained on the time delay. """ base_path = opdict['base_path'] verbose = opdict['verbose'] # data data_dir = os.path.join(base_path, 'data', opdict['datadir']) data_glob = opdict['dataglob'] data_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(data_dir, data_glob)) data_files.sort() # location file locdir = os.path.join(base_path, 'out', opdict['outdir'], 'loc') locfile = os.path.join(locdir, 'locations.dat') # file containing correlation values coeff_file = os.path.join(locdir, opdict['xcorr_corr']) # file containing time delays delay_file = os.path.join(locdir, opdict['xcorr_delay']) # threshold and time window threshold = float(opdict['xcorr_threshold']) t_before = float(opdict['xcorr_before']) t_after = float(opdict['xcorr_after']) # Read location locs = read_locs_from_file(locfile) # Create 2 empty dictionnaries coeff = {} delay = {} # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # MAIN PROGRAM : Compute the correlation value and the time delay for each # possible event pair tref = time.time() for file in data_files: event = 0 val_all, dt, name, tdeb = waveform(file) coeff[name] = [] delay[name] = [] for loc_a in locs: event = event+1 stack_time = loc_a['o_time']-tdeb start_time = int(round((stack_time-t_before)*1./dt)) end_time = int(round((stack_time+t_after)*1./dt)) val1 = val_all[start_time-1:end_time] compteur = event-1 liste, list_tau = [], [] # Add zeros to liste as we only compute a semi matrix liste.extend(np.zeros(event-1)) list_tau.extend(np.zeros(event-1)) # for every event occurring after the event "event" ; replace by # event-1 if the autocorrelation is considered for loc_b in locs[event-1:]: compteur = compteur+1 stack_time_2 = loc_b['o_time']-tdeb start_time_2 = int((stack_time_2-t_before)*1./dt) end_time_2 = int((stack_time_2+t_after)*1./dt) val2 = val_all[start_time_2-1:end_time_2] if not val1.any() or not val2.any(): liste.append('NaN') list_tau.append('NaN') else: tau, value = correlate(val1, val2, dt, verbose, 't') if value > threshold and event != compteur: ntau = int(round(tau*1./dt)) val3 = val_all[start_time_2-ntau-1:end_time_2-ntau] tau_t = tau tau = correlate(val1, val3, dt, verbose, 'f') tau = tau_t+tau if verbose: tau_f = tau plot_waveform(val1, val2, dt, [tau_t, tau_f], event, compteur) print "time: %.4f, %.4f" % (value, tau_t) print "frequency : %.4f, %.4f" % (value, tau_f) print "final delay : %.4f" % tau liste.append(round(value*10**2)/10**2) if tau.size: list_tau.append(round(tau*10**4)/10**4) else: list_tau.append('NaN') coeff[name].append(liste) delay[name].append(list_tau) # finished run, print timing info print "Elapsed time: ", time.time()-tref # Save the results in 2 binary files"Saving coeff and delay files") a = BinaryFile(coeff_file) a.write_binary_file(coeff) b = BinaryFile(delay_file) b.write_binary_file(delay)