Source code for NllGridLib

The NllGridLib module contains functions to read the output of NonLinLoc (NLL)
in order to use the travel-times within waveloc.
Contributed by Alessia Maggi

import numpy as np
from obspy.core import utcdatetime

cPI = np.pi		     # PI
cRPD = cPI / 180.0	 # radians per degree
c111 = 10000.0/90.0	 # km per degree

[docs]def read_stations_file(filename): """ Reads a file formatted according the the NLL station format. :type filename: string :param filename: File to be read :return: Dictionary of stations. Each station is itself a dictionary containing the following information: 'station' = station name; 'loc_type' = ['XYZ' | 'LATLON']; if 'loc_type' = 'XYZ', then the coordinates of the station are given by 'x' and 'y', otherwise they are 'lat', 'lon'; the depth and elevation of the station are given respectively by 'depth' and 'elevation'. :raises UserWarning: if unknown 'loc_type' encoutered. """ stations = {} # open and read the file f = open(filename, 'r') lines = f.readlines() f.close() # parse each line into a dictionary for line in lines: sta = {} words = line.split() sta['station'] = words[1] sta['loc_type'] = words[2] if sta['loc_type'] == 'XYZ': sta['x'] = np.float(words[3]) sta['y'] = np.float(words[4]) elif sta['loc_type'] == 'LATLON': sta['lat'] = np.float(words[3]) sta['lon'] = np.float(words[4]) else: raise UserWarning('Unknown loc_type %s in file %s' % (words[2], filename)) sta['depth'] = np.float(words[5]) sta['elev'] = np.float(words[6]) # add this station to the stations dictionary stations[sta['station']] = sta return stations
[docs]def read_hdr_file(filename): """ Reads a NLL .hdr file. :type filename: string :param filename: File to read :return: Dictionary containing the information in the file. If filename is a grid geometry header, the second line will be the projection info. If filename is a travel-time grid header, there will also be a line with the station information. The dictionary keys for the geometry are 'nx', 'ny', 'nz', 'x_orig', 'y_orig', 'z_orig'; those for the projection are 'proj_name', 'orig_lat', 'orig_lon', 'map_rot'; those for the station information are 'station', 'sta_x', 'sta_y', 'sta_z'. """ # read header file f = open(filename) lines = f.readlines() f.close() info = {} # extract information vals = lines[0].split() info['nx'] = int(vals[0]) info['ny'] = int(vals[1]) info['nz'] = int(vals[2]) info['x_orig'] = float(vals[3]) info['y_orig'] = float(vals[4]) info['z_orig'] = float(vals[5]) info['dx'] = float(vals[6]) info['dy'] = float(vals[7]) info['dz'] = float(vals[8]) for line in lines: if line.split()[0] == 'TRANSFORM': if line.split()[1] == 'NONE': info['proj_name'] = 'TRANS_NONE' if line.split()[1] == 'SIMPLE': info['proj_name'] = 'TRANS_SIMPLE' info['orig_lat'] = float(line.split()[3]) info['orig_lon'] = float(line.split()[5]) info['map_rot'] = float(line.split()[7]) if len(line.split()) == 4: info['station'] = line.split()[0] info['sta_x'] = float(line.split()[1]) info['sta_y'] = float(line.split()[2]) info['sta_z'] = float(line.split()[3]) return info
[docs]def latlon2rect(proj_name, lat, lon, proj_info={}): """ Projects latitude and longitude coordinates into an x-y coordinate system. Takes the projection from the NLL header info as read by *read_hdr_file*. The inverse projection is provided by *rect2latlon*. :type proj_name: string :param proj_name: 'TRANS_GLOBAL' | 'TRANS_NONE' | 'TRANS_SIMPLE' Only these projection types are supported. :raises UserWarning: if unsupported projection type is encountered. :type lat: float :param lat: Latitude in decimal degrees (positive = North, negative = South) :type lon: float :param lon: Longitude in decimal degrees (positive = East, negative = West) :type proj_info: dictionary, optional :param proj_info: NLL header info as read by *read_hdr_file*. :rtype: tuple of floats :returns: x and y coordinates in km wrt the origin of the projection """ try: if proj_name == 'TRANS_GLOBAL' or proj_name == 'TRANS_NONE': x = lon y = lat if proj_name == 'TRANS_SIMPLE': xtemp = lon - proj_info['orig_lon'] if (xtemp > 180.0): xtemp -= 360.0 if (xtemp < -180.0): xtemp += 360.0 xtemp = xtemp * c111 * np.cos(cRPD * lat) ytemp = (lat - proj_info['orig_lat']) * c111 angle = -cRPD * proj_info['map_rot'] x = xtemp * np.cos(angle) - ytemp * np.sin(angle) y = ytemp * np.cos(angle) + xtemp * np.sin(angle) return x, y except NameError: raise UserWarning('Unknown projection name %s' % proj_name)
[docs]def rect2latlon(proj_name, x, y, proj_info={}): """ Projects x and y coordinates into an latitude-longitude coordinate system. Takes the projection from the NLL header info as read by *read_hdr_file*. The inverse projection is provided by *latlon2rect*. :type proj_name: string :param proj_name: 'TRANS_GLOBAL' | 'TRANS_NONE' | 'TRANS_SIMPLE' Only these projection types are supported. :raises UserWarning: if unsupported projection type is encountered. :type x: float :param x: x-coordinate in km wrt to the origin of the projection :type y: float :param y: y-coordinate in km wrt to the origin of the projection :type proj_info: dictionary, optional :param proj_info: NLL header info as read by *read_hdr_file*. :rtype: tuple of floats :returns: latitude and longitude (latitude positive North, longitude positive East) """ try: if proj_name == 'TRANS_GLOBAL' or proj_name == 'TRANS_NONE': lon = x lat = y if proj_name == 'TRANS_SIMPLE': angle = -cRPD * proj_info['map_rot'] xtemp = x * np.cos(angle) + y * np.sin(angle) ytemp = y * np.cos(angle) - x * np.sin(angle) lat = proj_info['orig_lat'] + ytemp / c111 lon = proj_info['orig_lon'] + xtemp / (c111 * np.cos(cRPD * lat)) return lat, lon except NameError: raise UserWarning('Unknown projection name %s' % proj_name)
[docs]def qd_read_hyp_file(filename): """ Quick and dirty routine to read a NLL hypocenter file. :type filename: string :param filename: File to read :rtype: tuple of floats :returns: (otime, hypo_x, sigma_x, hypo_y, sigma_y, hypo_z, sigma_z) """ f = open(filename, 'r') lines = f.readlines() f.close() for line in lines: words = line.split() try: if words[0] == 'HYPOCENTER': hypo_x = np.float(words[2]) hypo_y = np.float(words[4]) hypo_z = np.float(words[6]) if words[0] == 'GEOGRAPHIC': year =[2]) month =[3]) day =[4]) hour =[5]) minute =[6]) seconds = np.float(words[7]) otime = utcdatetime.UTCDateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, seconds) if words[0] == 'STATISTICS': sigma_x = np.sqrt(np.float(words[8])) sigma_y = np.sqrt(np.float(words[14])) sigma_z = np.sqrt(np.float(words[18])) except IndexError: pass return (otime, hypo_x, sigma_x, hypo_y, sigma_y, hypo_z, sigma_z)
[docs]def qd_read_picks_from_hyp_file(filename): """ Quick and dirty routine to read P-wave picks from NLL hypocenter file. :type filename: string :param filename: File to read :rtype: dictionary :returns: A dictionary where the keys are the station names and the values are the P-arrival times as UTCDateTime objects. """ f = open(filename, 'r') lines = f.readlines() f.close() for iline in range(len(lines)): line = lines[iline] words = line.split() if words[0] == 'PHASE': break phases = {} for line in lines[iline+1:]: words = line.split() try: if words[4] == 'P': station = words[0] year =[6][0:4]) month =[6][4:6]) day =[6][6:8]) hour =[7][0:2]) minute =[7][2:4]) seconds = np.float(words[8]) ptime = utcdatetime.UTCDateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, seconds) phases[station] = ptime except IndexError: pass return phases